
  • Cross-border nursing education in the SaarMoselle territory


    Cross-border nursing education in the SaarMoselle territory

    April 2016

    Since 2008, the IFSI (Nursing training institute) of the Centre Hospitalier de Sarreguemines in France and Völklingen Hospital in Germany have built a partnership in the field of nursing education, consisting of the development of interculturality and promotion of bilingualism in initial and ongoing training.

  • The status of cross-border students examined in Bayonne


    The status of cross-border students examined in Bayonne

    April 2016

    A symposium on cross-border student status was organised on 31 March in Bayonne by the students of the Master 2 in Cross-border and interregional cooperation at the University of Pau and Pays de l’Adour.

  • Dutch Provinces' seminar on cross-border cooperation


    Dutch Provinces' seminar on cross-border cooperation

    April 2016

    In the context of the Netherlands Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the House of the Dutch Provinces in Brussels hosted a seminar on 17 March 2016 on cross-border cooperation.

  • Cross-border issues on the agenda for the Franco-German Council


    Cross-border issues on the agenda for the Franco-German Council

    April 2016

    Cross-border cooperation was on the agenda for the 18th Franco-German Council of Ministers presided by François Hollande and Angela Merkel on 7 April 2016 in Metz.

  • MOT mission in Haïti


    MOT mission in Haïti

    Avril 2016

    At the request of the Haitian authorities, the French Embassy has mobilised the expertise of the MOT in a planning mission for a programme supporting the governance of Haitian local authorities located in the area bordering the Dominican Republic.

  • Call for evidence: the consequences in border regions of tightening border controls


    Call for evidence: the consequences in border regions of tightening border controls

    April 2016

    In order to fuel the debate at its upcoming annual conference on 24 May on “Borders: a resource for the inhabitants of border regions”, the MOT is launching a call for evidence on the impacts of tightening border controls in (cross-)border regions.

  • Uncertainties about the future of French-Swiss cross-border workers


    Uncertainties about the future of French-Swiss cross-border workers

    April 2016

    The 31st Congress of the European Cross-Border Grouping (GTE) brought together over 500 cross-border workers and numerous political representatives of the French-Swiss territory on 11 March 2016 in Archamps. According to Michel Charrat, president of the GTE, “2015 will no doubt go down in the history books of the cross-border phenomenon.

  • A new space for the Euroregion Aquitaine-Euskadi


    A new space for the Euroregion Aquitaine-Euskadi

    April 2016

    On march 18th, Basque Country’s President Iñigo Urkullu chaired the first 2016 Assembly of the Euroregion Aquitaine-Euskadi, at Vitoria-Gasteiz.

  • Committee of the Regions' European photo competition "Imagine Europe without borders"


    Committee of the Regions' European photo competition "Imagine Europe without borders"

    March 2016

    European photo competition for amateur and professionnal photographers. Before 30th June 2016.

  • Philippe Richert, President of the Alsace-Champagne-Ardenne-Lorraine Region, writes to François Hollande


    Philippe Richert, President of the Alsace-Champagne-Ardenne-Lorraine Region, writes to François Hollande

    March 2016

    The President of the Alsace-Champagne-Ardenne-Lorraine Region, Philippe Richert, and his first Vice-President, Patrick Weiten, have written to the French President of the Republic. They are asking for 'a strong signal' to be sent at the French-German council of ministers meeting on 7 April in Metz.

  • Editorial from Anne Sander, Member of the European Parliament, Vice-President of the MOT


    Editorial from Anne Sander, Member of the European Parliament, Vice-President of the MOT

    March 2016

    Over the past few months, the European Union has seen more and more border controls put in place within the Schengen Area. Two main reasons are put forward to justify them: fear of terrorism and the need to combat illegal immigration.

  • "Reform Schengen" : what impacts for border areas?


    "Reform Schengen" : what impacts for border areas?

    March 2016

    "Every day, we hear about another member country of the Schengen Area reinstating identity checks at its national borders in order to stop the inflow of illegal immigrants. While checks are necessary, they have a major impact on the daily lives of those who live close to these borders and habitually cross them: long traffic queues have appeared on our roads and the costs are starting to be felt by businesses and individuals."

  • "Regional Territorial Systems"


    "Regional Territorial Systems"

    March 2016

    The publication "Systèmes Territoriaux Régionaux" ("Regional Territorial Systems") that was brought out in January 2016 by the French Federation of Public Urban Planning Agencies (the FNAU) provides an analysis of territorial issues and interrelationships in France, through the lens of legislative developments and the issues at stake in public policy. A section written by the MOT is devoted to the cross-border dimension.

  • "European borders  - sources of innovation"


    "European borders - sources of innovation"

    March 2016

    At a time when the paradigm of open borders conducive to free movement appears to be called into question by the political choices being made, borders remain complex geopolitical phenomena that continue to durably impact territories through either centripetal or centrifugal dynamics depending on the place.

  • Cross-border workers would be among "those most affected" by the Schengen Area being called into question


    Cross-border workers would be among "those most affected" by the Schengen Area being called into question

    Mars 2016

    On 4 March, the European Commission unveiled its roadmap for a return to the "normal" functioning of the Schengen Area of free movement "by the end of 2016".

  • Cancellation of the Strasbourg marathon and other cross-border sporting events under threat


    Cancellation of the Strasbourg marathon and other cross-border sporting events under threat

    March 2016

    The 2016 edition of the Strasbourg-Ortenau Eurodistrict marathon has been cancelled due to "participation by German runners being too low". With a cross-border route (13 km Germany and 29 km in France), it was the only binational marathon in the world.

  • The 2016 "Science Offensive" has been launched


    The 2016 "Science Offensive" has been launched

    March 2016

    The Upper Rhine Trinational Metropolitan Region is renewing its scheme to finance cross-border projects in the area of research and innovation entitled the "Science Offensive".

  • Meeting of the cross-border group of the Committee of the Regions


    Meeting of the cross-border group of the Committee of the Regions

    March 2016

    The "cross-border cooperation" interregional group of the Committee of the Regions, which was set up in July 2015, held its second meeting on 11 February 2016 in Brussels.

  • Conference "Building beyond the border" on 27 February 2016


    Conference "Building beyond the border" on 27 February 2016

    March 2016

    "There is no more contemporary phenomenon than that linked to borders," emphasised Jean-Barthélemy Debost, head of the network and partnerships department at the National Museum of the History of Immigration, in his opening address to the conference organised on 27 February by the MOT in connection with the exhibition "Frontières" ("Borders") in Paris.

  • The MOT's contribution on the topic of tourism


    The MOT's contribution on the topic of tourism

    March 2016

    The MOT made a contribution on the topic of cross-border tourism in Europe to the Commission for Natural Resources ("NAT") of the Committee of the Regions, which is currently working on an opinion on the subject entitled "Tourism as a driving force for regional cooperation across the EU".


    Cooperation between rural areas on the German-Luxembourg border

    March 2016

    The first-ever cross-border regional development strategy since the launch of the European programme LEADER is being put in place along the Moselle River where it divides Germany and Luxembourg.

  • Cross-border economic development: a challenge for Martinique


    Cross-border economic development: a challenge for Martinique

    February 2016

    Martinique's potential for economic development with the other countries of the Greater Caribbean is underexploited.

  • Editorial from Dr. Fritz Pinnock, Executive Director, Caribbean Maritime Institute (Jamaica)


    Editorial from Dr. Fritz Pinnock, Executive Director, Caribbean Maritime Institute (Jamaica)

    February 2016

    The Greater Caribbean comprises 4.3 million km2 of water stretching from the Caribbean Sea to the Gulf of Mexico, and numbers 800 million inhabitants.

  • What would be the economic consequences of abandoning the Schengen agreements?


    What would be the economic consequences of abandoning the Schengen agreements?

    February 2016

    France-Stratégie has published an analysis of the economic consequences of abandoning the Schengen agreements.

  • New measures to promote the learning of German in East Moselle


    New measures to promote the learning of German in East Moselle

    February 2016

    As set out on 22 January 2016 by Patrick Weiten, president of the Moselle Conseil Départemental and first vice-president of the Alsace Champagne-Ardenne Lorraine Region responsible for territorial and cross-border cooperation, the Trilingua scheme aimed at promoting the learning of German in Moselle is being replaced by two new experiments in this regard.