
  • Strasbourg, a resolutely cross-border metropolis


    Strasbourg, a resolutely cross-border metropolis

    May 2015

    Bridging the gap between France and Germany, Strasbourg is at the heart of the Upper Rhine and has formed diverse partnerships at various levels of cross-border cooperation consistent with its metropolitan policies.


    The Espace Mont-Blanc: a cooperation space to be protected and promoted

    May 2015

    For more than twenty years, the Espace Mont Blanc (FR/IT/CH) has been striving to meet the needs for sustainable and balanced development of the Mont Blanc massif and its valleys, in order to protect and promote this emblematic cross-border territory.

  • Identifying the obstacles to cross-border cooperation


    Identifying the obstacles to cross-border cooperation

    May 2015

    With a view to its presidency of the EU Council in the second half of 2015, the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg has placed the clearing of obstacles to cross-border cooperation at the centre of its priorities. A member of the MOT, the Grand-Duchy commissioned it to provide assistance, generating input for one of three technical seminars which took place on 19 May 2015 in Luxembourg City in preparation of its presidency. The MOT analysis is online.

  • An online platform for the Cross-Border Strategic Committee on observation


    An online platform for the Cross-Border Strategic Committee on observation

    May 2015

    Following an exploratory study carried out by the CGET*, the MOT and the FNAU** and the first European seminar on the observation of cross-border territories held in Nancy in December 2012, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Andorra and Spain concluded an agreement that affirmed their desire to coordinate their initiatives for the statistical observation of border territories.

  • Health bill in France: a cross-border section for the SROS


    Health bill in France: a cross-border section for the SROS

    May 2015

    Joël Giraud, MP for the Hautes-Alpes and former MOT vice-president, has had an amendment to the Health bill passed which requires that the Schémas Régionaux d'Organisation des Soins (SROS) (regional healthcare organisation schemes) include a cross-border section in the territories concerned.

  • Download the MOT annual report!


    Download the MOT annual report!

    May 2015

    The association’s annual report has just been published. It summarises one year of MOT activities at the service of its members and cross-border territories.

  • Publication: The 'cross-border' prefect for European cooperation


    Publication: The 'cross-border' prefect for European cooperation

    May 2015

    The CHEMI (Centre for High-Level Studies of the Ministry of the Interior - France) publishes the proceedings of the discussions' day on the "cross-border prefect" organized on 20th June 2014, in partnership with the MOT.

  • Cross-border projects at the service of the local population


    Cross-border projects at the service of the local population

    May 2015

    In order to illustrate the role of cross-border cooperation and the impact of the projects in the daily life of the inhabitants, the MOT has published a package of project sheets on practical topics such as employment, transport, the environment, health, education and culture.


    Inauguration of the Wissembourg waste-water treatment plant

    May 2015

    The Wissembourg cross-border wastewater treatment plant was inaugurated on 18 April 2015, an event attended by a number of elected representatives of the area.

  • First EGTC under German law


    First EGTC under German law

    May 2015

    The first German EGTC, “Interregional Alliance for the Rhine-Alps Corridor”, with its registered office located in Mannheim, was approved on 24 April 2015 by the Regierungspräsidium Freiburg.


    Shared concerns about the dropping of bilingual classes

    May 2015

    59 MPs, members of the French parliament’s French-German friendship group, have reacted to the planned dropping of bilingual classes announced by the Ministry of Education as part of the middle school reform.

  • Establishment of regional conferences on public investment


    Establishment of regional conferences on public investment

    May 2015

    A circular signed by French Prime Minister Manuel Valls has been sent to the regional prefects requiring them to set up regional conferences on public investment before the end of May.

  • Interreg 25 years Project Slam: Call for proposal now open!


    Interreg 25 years Project Slam: Call for proposal now open!

    May 2015

    Who wants to be the most representative Interreg project (and programme) of the last 25 years of Interreg? The Call for proposals is launched (by 20 May 2015).

  • "BORDER +" project: reinventing internal borders of Europe


    "BORDER +" project: reinventing internal borders of Europe

    May 2015

    The "BORDER +" ptoject proposes a participatory reflection on the future of the internal borders of EU. Following the former Schengen border, a unique exhibition created with the border inhabitants of 8 countries will travel from the Baltic to the Adriatic Sea, reinforcing exchange and sharing visions about the future and the transformation of this regions of Central Europe.

  • Editorial from Damien Castelain, President of the Lille European Metropolis, President of the Lille-Kortrijk-Tournai Eurometropolis


    Editorial from Damien Castelain, President of the Lille European Metropolis, President of the Lille-Kortrijk-Tournai Eurometropolis

    April 2015

    On 1 January 2015, the Communauté Urbaine de Lille (Urban Community of Lille) became the Métropole Européenne de Lille (MEL – Lille European Metropolis). The MEL is one of only two cross-border metropolises to be recognised as such by law, alongside Strasbourg.

  • The Lille European Metropolis's commitment to further cross-border cooperation


    The Lille European Metropolis's commitment to further cross-border cooperation

    April 2015

    For the Lille European Metropolis, the proximity of the border constitutes an asset in terms of development and attractiveness.

  • A unifying and citizen-based project for the Doubs Urban Conurbation


    A unifying and citizen-based project for the Doubs Urban Conurbation

    April 2015

    On the territory of the French-Swiss Jura Arc, the Doubs Urban Conurbation (Agglomération Urbaine du Doubs – AUD) has launched a cross-border intercultural and intergenerational project aimed at involving the populations and civil society of the French and Swiss municipalities that make it up: Morteau (F), Villers-le-Lac (F), Les Fins (F), La Chaux-de-Fonds (CH), Le Locle (CH) and Les Brenets (CH).

  • Launch of European programmes


    Launch of European programmes

    April 2015

    Along France's borders, several INTERREG VA programmes have launched their first calls for projects or are organising their launch events soon.


    Hollande speaks out for Greater Geneva

    April 2015

    "France and Switzerland declared their mutual friendship on 15th April 2015, without hiding the frictions between the two countries. François Hollande expressed his concern about national preference with regard to employment. […] During his State visit to Bern, the French president, François Hollande, stated before the seven federal councillors that he was making Greater Geneva a priority issue."

  • Discussion day with the SGARs


    Discussion day with the SGARs

    April 2015

    On 9 April 2015 the General Commission for Territorial Equality and the MOT held a day of discussions with the SGAR* research reference people.

  • "Qu'est-ce qu'une frontière aujourd'hui ?"


    "Qu'est-ce qu'une frontière aujourd'hui ?"

    April 2015

    "Today, the importance of borders in people’s lives is more than theoretical. Borders unite and divide they have become mobile and individualized, letting some move around freely and restricting access to others."

  • Call for projects from the Aquitaine-Euskadi Euroregion


    Call for projects from the Aquitaine-Euskadi Euroregion

    Avril 2015

    The Aquitaine-Euskadi Euroregion has launched a thematic call for projects in the areas of "Culture, Education, Multilingualism, Sport and Youth".

  • Energy: Europe in networks


    Energy: Europe in networks

    April 2015

    Some months ahead of the next COP 21, Michel Derdevet, Secretary General of Électricité Réseau Distribution France (ERDF), has published in Documentation française a report for François Hollande entitled "Energy, Europe in networks: twelve proposals for a common energy infrastructure policy".


    French-German tax agreement

    April 2015

    The French-German Council of Ministers, which met on 31 March 2015 in Berlin, adopted an amendment to the tax agreement between the two countries.

  • Meeting with George Pau-Langevin, Overseas Minister


    Meeting with George Pau-Langevin, Overseas Minister

    April 2015

    The MOT's President, Michel Delebarre, met the Overseas Minister, George Pau-Langevin, on 31 March 2015 in Paris, in order to discuss the need to establish a permanent connection between "cross-border territorial issues" and "overseas regions".