
  • Event to launch the Mobipro.GR project


    Event to launch the Mobipro.GR project

    May 2017

    On 25 April 2017 in Forbach, an event to launch the European project “Mobipro.GR“ took place.

  • The French Geneva Area turns into a Pole Metropolitain


    The French Geneva Area turns into a Pole Metropolitain

    May 2017

    In order to increase its influence in the development of the Greater Geneva cross-border territory, on 1 May 2017 the French Geneva Region Cooperation Assembly (ARC), the French side of the Local Grouping of Cross-Border Cooperation, became the French Geneva Area Pôle Metropolitain.

  • "Mission on Governance in North Lorraine" report


    "Mission on Governance in North Lorraine" report

    May 2017

    This report, submitted by the General Commission for Territorial Equality (CGET) to the Prime Minister, recommends the creation of a pôle métropolitain encompassing more than 300,000 inhabitants on the border with Belgium and Luxembourg. This would enable North Lorraine to take advantage of its geographical position and of the great attractiveness of its immediate neighbours.

  • Call for proposals under the LIFE programme


    Call for proposals under the LIFE programme

    May 2017

    In April, the European programme LIFE launched a new call for projects with two focuses: the environment and action for climate.

  • Call for proposals regarding cross-border employment


    Call for proposals regarding cross-border employment

    May 2017

    The European Union's programme for employment and social innovation (EaSI) has launched a call for proposals regarding cross-border employment.

  • "20 years of the MOT" label for events


    "20 years of the MOT" label for events

    May 2017

    While the European conference being held by the MOT on 30 November-1 December will be at the heart of a year of festivities in 2017/2018 to celebrate its 20th anniversary, the organisation also wishes to promote the events organised by members of its network. To do this, it is proposing to award them the label "20 years of the MOT" *.

  • The future of transport in the Mediterranean: the GEECCTT-ILES project


    The future of transport in the Mediterranean: the GEECCTT-ILES project

    May 2017

    The project "Gestion Européenne Conjointe des Connexions et Transports pour les îles – GEECCTT-ILES" (Joint European Management of Connections and Transport for the Islands), which is aimed at creating transport links in the Western Mediterranean, has just been approved by the Interreg programme's monitoring committee.

  • Editorial by Christian Estrosi, Mayor of Nice, President of the Nice Côte d'Azur Metropolis


    Editorial by Christian Estrosi, Mayor of Nice, President of the Nice Côte d'Azur Metropolis

    May 2017

    Innovation does not stop at France's borders The Nice Côte d'Azur Metropolis, which now features among the 10 leading smart cities in the world, has been built up around a very dense international ecosystem. This has been in its DNA for a very long time…

  • The cross-border dimension as a mission


    The cross-border dimension as a mission

    May 2017

    The Nice Côte D'Azur Metropolis has at least three particularities that have contributed to its growth.

  • MOT Study on cross-border issues in mountain areas


    MOT Study on cross-border issues in mountain areas

    April 2017

    At the request of the CGET,* the MOT has conducted a study on the cross-border issues in mountain areas, which cover nearly 42% of mainland France's borders.

  • The Committee of the Regions' annual monitoring report on EGTCs


    The Committee of the Regions' annual monitoring report on EGTCs

    April 2017

    This publication looks at developments in EGTCs during 2016. Based on an updated overview and case studies, the report aims to highlight the EGTCs' main areas of action, their involvement in cohesion policy, and their achievements and the obstacles encountered.

  • Castle Talks and study day on the diplomacy of territorial authorities


    Castle Talks and study day on the diplomacy of territorial authorities

    April 2017

    On 20-21 March 2017 in Strasbourg, Jean Peyrony, the MOT's Director-General, took part in the second edition of the " Castle Talks on Cross-Border Cooperation", a series of conferences organised notably by the University of Strasbourg and the Euro-Institut in Kehl that brings together researchers, students and players involved in cross-border cooperation.


    The Fourth European Forum of the Outermost Regions

    April 2017

    On 30-31 March 2017, before more than 500 participants, the Presidents of the outermost regions (ORs) submitted to the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, a memorandum urging for better account to be taken of their specificities in European policies through a "New Strategy for the ORs".

  • "PASSAGE" to a low-carbon economy in the Dover Strait


    "PASSAGE" to a low-carbon economy in the Dover Strait

    April 2017

    On 13 March 2017, around 50 French and British stakeholders from either side of the Dover Strait met in St Margaret's Bay, in Kent, to discuss an action plan for the low-carbon transition.

  • The third Franco-German cross-border conference


    The third Franco-German cross-border conference

    April 2017

    On 5-6 April 2017 in Neustadt-an-der Weinstraße (Rhineland-Palatinate), the third Franco-German cross-border conference was held, in the presence of Harlem Désir, the Secretary of State for European Affairs (FR), and Michael Roth, Minister of State for Europe (DE).

  • 14th edition of the cross-border workers fair


    14th edition of the cross-border workers fair

    April 2017

    The 2017 edition of the cross-border workers fair, organised by the European Cross-Border Grouping in Annemasse, attracted nearly 2000 visitors.

  • New projects for the Nouvelle-Aquitaine-Euskadi-Navarra Euroregion


    New projects for the Nouvelle-Aquitaine-Euskadi-Navarra Euroregion

    April 2017

    On 6 March 2017, Navarra joined the Nouvelle-Aquitaine-Euskadi Euroregion. A new partnership that reinforces cooperation between the French and Spanish territories.

  • Geodata dedicated to innovative projects in Greater Geneva


    Geodata dedicated to innovative projects in Greater Geneva

    April 2017

    Helping entrepreneurs located on either side of the border to create new digital services thanks to geodata on Greater Geneva – this is the aim of the Interreg project "Geofab Greater Geneva" launched on 4 April 2017.*

  • Young European volunteers at the heart of Interreg projects


    Young European volunteers at the heart of Interreg projects

    April 2017

    The Association of European Border Regions (AEBR) manages on behalf of the European Commission the new initiative known as "Interreg Volunteer Youth" (IVY), which aims to give young Europeans aged 18-30 the opportunity to serve as volunteers in Interreg programmes and projects.

  • The proposals of the intergovernmental group on cross-border obstacles


    The proposals of the intergovernmental group on cross-border obstacles

    March 2017

    On 16 February 2017 in Brussels, the fourth meeting of the intergovernmental working group on innovative solutions to obstacles to cross-border cooperation was held. Noting the benefits of cross-border cooperation, but also the persistence of many obstacles, in 2015 the Luxembourg presidency of the EU Council proposed the development of a new European legal tool, the "European Cross-Border Convention" (ECBC); for its part, the European Commission launched the "Cross-Border Review".

  • The MOT's 20th general assembly in Belval


    The MOT's 20th general assembly in Belval

    March 2017

    At the invitation of the Alzette-Belval EGTC*, a member of the MOT's network, more than 100 people gathered on 15-16 March on the occasion of the MOT's general assembly, in Belval and Villerupt, on the Franco-Luxembourg border.

  • Meetings of the MOT's bodies and the Technicians' Platform


    Meetings of the MOT's bodies and the Technicians' Platform

    March 2017

    In the presence of Michel Delebarre, the MOT's President, Senator of the Nord Department and former Minister of State, and Philip Cordery, MP, Chairman of the study group "cross-border workers and areas" and Vice-President of the MOT, and many elected representatives, the meetings of the board and the general assembly were an opportunity to present the activities of the association, discuss the work programme and approve the activity and financial reports.

  • Field visits: the MOT's network in Alzette-Belval


    Field visits: the MOT's network in Alzette-Belval

    March 2017

    The field visits offered for the first time to participants in the MOT's 2017 general assembly, to Belval and Villerupt, proved to be a moment of very fruitful exchanges.

  • Three associations defending the rights of cross-border workers bring an action before the European Commission


    Three associations defending the rights of cross-border workers bring an action before the European Commission

    March 2017

    Income from household wealth (capital gains on property, real estate income, etc.) received in France is subject to social security deductions. However, the European Court of Justice confirmed in 2015 that people who are affiliated to the social security system of another country should not be taxed to fund the French social security system.

  • Opinion of the Committee of the Regions on "missing links"


    Opinion of the Committee of the Regions on "missing links"

    March 2017

    At its plenary session in February, the Committee of the Regions adopted an opinion entitled "Missing transport links in border regions".