
  • "Alsace 2030"


    "Alsace 2030"

    April 2015

    The Alsace Region has just published "Alsace 2030 – a project for the whole of Alsace", the fruit of work carried out during 2014 at the Region's instigation, in a process of broad consultation with all of the territory's active stakeholders.

  • Editorial from Jean Rottner, Mayor of Mulhouse, President of the FNAU: The EuroAirport, a French-Swiss success story


    Editorial from Jean Rottner, Mayor of Mulhouse, President of the FNAU: The EuroAirport, a French-Swiss success story

    March 2015

    The world’s only binational airport, located in the French-German-Swiss region, the Basel-Mulhouse EuroAirport is an example in terms of cross-border cooperation.

  • Mulhouse and Switzerland: 500 years of history in common


    Mulhouse and Switzerland: 500 years of history in common

    March 2015

    2015 marks the 500th anniversary of the alliance between Mulhouse and the Swiss Confederation. An occasion to throw light on the strength of the historical links as the roots of today’s cross-border cooperation and to celebrate the event by making 2015 "The year of Switzerland in Mulhouse".

  • KiosK office: opening of the first cross-border co-working space in Europe


    KiosK office: opening of the first cross-border co-working space in Europe

    March 2015

    Starting in January 2015, business creation consultancy cooperative START HOP welcomes French-German entrepreneurs to its convivial “KiosK office” spaces at locations in Strasbourg and Offenburg, helping them to develop their market with a 360° view.

  • Luxembourg presidency of the EU Council: Identifying the obstacles to cooperation


    Luxembourg presidency of the EU Council: Identifying the obstacles to cooperation

    March 2015

    The MOT network is mobilised under EU Luxembourg's presidency (2nd half of 2015) to identify the obstacles to cross-border cooperation. In this context, a workshop "The need for specific legal provisions to boost cross-border cooperation" is organised by the Presidency on 19th May 2015.

  • Launch of the first call for projects for URBACT III


    Launch of the first call for projects for URBACT III

    March 2015

    Attended by European Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Crețu, the URBACT III programme launch seminar took place on 16 March in Brussels.

  • Inauguration of the first French-Spanish high-voltage line


    Inauguration of the first French-Spanish high-voltage line

    March 2015

    On 20 February 2015 at Montesquieu-des-Albères in the eastern Pyrenees, French prime minister Manuel Valls and Spanish head of government Mariano Rajoy inaugurated the new high-voltage electricity interconnection line between the two countries.

  • The ACTS initiative of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs


    The ACTS initiative of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    March 2015

    This Sahel cross-border cooperation support project of the priority solidarity fund financed by France aims to set up an integrated management strategy for the border areas between Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger, through coordinated instruments in the areas of security and development aid.

  • A Moselle strategy in response to Saarland


    A Moselle strategy in response to Saarland

    March 2015

    In response to the “France Strategy” presented in January 2014 by Saarland, aiming to make the border region a multilingual space by 2043, on 12 February in Forbach Patrick Weiten, leader of the Moselle department council, referred to the department’s “Moselle strategy”, with the opening in June of an “open house of services for Germany” (Mosa).

  • Workshop in Jerusalem


    Workshop in Jerusalem

    March 2015

    Organised by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and by the IPCC*, and taking place from 9 to 11 February 2015 in Jerusalem, a workshop entitled “Between the Jordan and the Mediterranean: 2050 strategic plan” brought together some twenty Israeli, Palestinian and European experts - including the MOT, the AEBR, the Eurométropole Lille-Kortrijk-Tournai and the PEACE programme in Ireland - on the issues of cross-border cooperation in the Israel-Palestine region.

  • Love Without Borders competition launched


    Love Without Borders competition launched

    February 2015

    To celebrate the 25th birthday of Interreg this year, a competition "Love without borders" has been launched by the European Commission's Regional Policy DG.

  • Territorial reforms in France: what account is being taken of cross-border cooperation?


    Territorial reforms in France: what account is being taken of cross-border cooperation?

    February 2015

    On 18 June 2014 in France, the draft legislation concerning the country's new territorial organisation (the NOTRe Act), which provides for a reorganisation of the competences of the territorial authorities at all levels, was submitted to the Senate.

  • INSEE study: “Live in France and work in another country: a fast-growing situation”


    INSEE study: “Live in France and work in another country: a fast-growing situation”

    March 2015

    According to a study by the INSEE published in February 2015, the number of French people living in France but working abroad has increased by 42% since 1999. The study analyses the different causes and characteristics of the resulting flows.

  • Presidency of the Greater Region: the editorial from Paul Magnette, Minister-President of Wallonia


    Presidency of the Greater Region: the editorial from Paul Magnette, Minister-President of Wallonia

    February 2015

    "Wallonia is a border territory par excellence: its relations with its neighbours have always played a crucial role in its development."

  • Presidency of the Greater Region: Wallonia's objectives


    Presidency of the Greater Region: Wallonia's objectives

    February 2015

    Depuis le 1er janvier 2015, la région wallonne a l’honneur et la responsabilité de présider la Grande Région, exercice assumé en étroite collaboration avec ses partenaires belges, la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles et la Communauté germanophone.

  • An EGC for Greater Geneva?


    An EGC for Greater Geneva?

    February 2015

    Etienne Blanc, MP for the Ain Department and first Vice-President of the French Geneva area Regional Cooperation Assembly (ARC), submitted an amendment to the "NOTRe" draft legislation (in France) to enable border metropolitan conurbations of member countries of the Council of Europe, such as the Swiss Confederation, to participate in a Euroregional Cooperation Grouping (EGC).

  • The MOT has put online 150 maps to illustrate cross-border cooperation


    The MOT has put online 150 maps to illustrate cross-border cooperation

    February 2015

    Since the overhaul of the MOT's website in November 2013, nearly 150 maps illustrating the intensity of cross-border relations along France's borders have been put online. Presentation of the latest additions.

  • Findings of the EUBORDERREGIONS project on the EU's external borders


    Findings of the EUBORDERREGIONS project on the EU's external borders

    February 2015

    This European research project, led by the University of Eastern Finland, held its final conference on 20-21 February 2015 in Istanbul. This event was an opportunity to present the findings and the studies carried out during the four-year research project, the aim of which was to analyse regional development at Europe's external borders through cross-border cooperation policies and practices.

  • Meeting between Michel Delebarre and Harlem Désir


    Meeting between Michel Delebarre and Harlem Désir

    February 2015

    The MOT's President, Michel Delebarre, met Harlem Désir, Secretary of State for European Affairs, on 29 January 2015 in Paris, in order to discuss cross-border cooperation with respect to areas such as jobs, higher education, the environment and healthcare.

  • How international borders affect local public transport: Analyses and evaluations of cross-border agglomerations in Switzerland, France and Germany


    How international borders affect local public transport: Analyses and evaluations of cross-border agglomerations in Switzerland, France and Germany

    February 2015

    This study focuses on various effects of international borders on local public transport: How does it impact demand, service offer as well as framework conditions?


    French-Belgian-Luxembourg cross-border healthcare: "new developments for patients"

    February 2015

    View the question put by the MP Philip Cordery on 13 January 2015 at the Assemblée Nationale to Marisol Tourraine, French Minister of Social Affairs, Health and Women's Rights, about cross-border healthcare, and her reply.

  • A strategic plan for the Aquitaine-Euskadi Euroregion


    A strategic plan for the Aquitaine-Euskadi Euroregion

    February 2015

    On 19 December 2014 in Hendaye, the 2014-2020 strategic plan for the Aquitaine-Euskadi Euroregion EGTC was presented.

  • Meeting of the working group on changes to the MOT


    Meeting of the working group on changes to the MOT

    January 2015

    After an initial day of discussions by the MOT's network in Paris on 15 October 2014, and an evaluation, in the form of a questionnaire, of its network's activities, structure and needs, a dedicated working group met on 18 December 2014 in the MOT's offices.

  • French-Swiss cooperation to count the real number of border residents


    French-Swiss cooperation to count the real number of border residents

    January 2015

    The Canton of Geneva and the Ain and Haute-Savoie Departments are going to cooperate in order to better identify "false Swiss residents", who are responsible for a shortfall of nearly €40 million on the French side. It's the first time that the Canton of Geneva is going to provide this type of information to the French authorities.

  • Lille-Kortrijk-Tournai Eurometropolis: For better access to cross-border jobs


    Lille-Kortrijk-Tournai Eurometropolis: For better access to cross-border jobs

    January 2015

    In 2006, under the impetus of civil society, three public employment services (those of the Nord-Pas-de-Calais Region, Wallonia and Flanders) and Unizo (the Union of Independent Flemish Entrepreneurs) set up the "Eurometropolis Jobs Forum".