Atlas of Greater Geneva: taking stock for sustainable progress
November 2016The work of 174 pages offers an environmental, social and economic inventory of the cross-border territory of Greater Geneva on the French-Swiss border.
The work of 174 pages offers an environmental, social and economic inventory of the cross-border territory of Greater Geneva on the French-Swiss border.
Close to 300 people gathered in Strasbourg for a major seminar on the cross-border relations of the new “Grand Est” region of France.
The project “Compétences sans Frontières” (Skills without Borders) was launched on 1 October 2016. Its goal is to contribute to reducing the imbalance of supply and demand in the job market of the France-Wallonia-Flanders cross-border region.
A study by the European Parliament analyses the territorial cooperation programmes for the 2014-2020 period.
The MOT took part in two important European meetings at the end of September in Brussels: the third meeting of the experts' group of the European Commission's "Cross-Border Review", and the second meeting of the "Intergovernmental working group on innovative solutions to cross-border obstacles".
During the European Week of Regions and Cities, the MOT organised two workshops: the first on cross-border investment and the second on rural areas.
With the recent approval by both the German Länder and the federal level of its "Guiding Principles", Germany is emphasising cross-border cooperation in its territorial development policy.
New "Guiding Principles" for Germany's territorial development were adopted in March 2016, which are in line with the idea that "Germany is not an island".
Several spatial planning pilot projects (MORO), such as the one that led to the setting-up of the IMeG,* incorporating border region and cross-border considerations have been launched in Germany.
On 6 October 2016, the annual meeting of the Interreg VA ALCOTRA programme brought together more than 400 participants in Chamonix.
Nearly 600 people gathered for the 37th national meeting of urban planning agencies on 5-7 October in the Basque Country.
Published by Correspondances Lorraines. Author: Pascale Braun. October 2016. Retail price: €20. Title in English: "The Greater East Region: Europe among Neighbours"
Organised by the Nice Côte d’Azur Metropolis,* the European days of cross-border cooperation held in Nice on 21-22 September were a great success, with nearly 400 participants.
Roaming within the EU will be free of charge for unlimited periods from 15 June 2017. The first proposal to limit free roaming to 90 days was rectified by the European Commission as it was deemed to be discriminatory for example for cross-border workers and Erasmus students who spend a lot of time in another country.
On 23 September 2016, the two sides of underground route of the future cross-border rail link between Geneva and Annemasse were joined up by French and Swiss teams.
Following the Luxembourg Presidency of the Council of the EU (2nd half of 2015) and its proposal to create a new legal tool for cross-border cooperation, a Working Group on innovative solutions to cross-border obstacles was established by Luxembourg and France. The first meeting of the Working Group was held in Vienna on July 5th 2016.
A new section on the MOT's website sets out the issues involved in identifying and resolving obstacles to cross-border cooperation.
This summer, the MOT completely updated its online legal resources relating to cross-border cooperation law.
The "ACTS" project* was launched in February 2015 by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development.** It is a Priority Solidarity Fund project financed by France. It aims to help Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso preserve their sovereignty through better management of border regions with respect to security and local development.
In the context of drawing up its SRDEII,* the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region asked the MOT, of which it is a member, to carry out an assessment of cross-border issues in the Region (which borders on Switzerland and Italy) that could be included in a cross-border component of the regional programme.
The migrant crisis and threats to security have placed borders centre stage. Having become an extremely political topic, the public authorities still perceive them in a fragmented way.
The EGTC Platform of the Committee of the Regions has presented three recent studies on cross-border cooperation.
"Connect Innovation Bai!", "MAREA", "H2Ogurea" and "EDERBIDEA" of the names of four of the new projects selected in the first call for projects under POCTEFA 2014-2020.
TV programme "C dans l'air" on France 5 - Broadcast on 10 August 2016
Every year, the MOT publishes an updated dossier presenting cross-border projects that may serve as examples.