
  • A transport map covering the North of France and West Flanders


    A transport map covering the North of France and West Flanders

    March 2014

    The West-Vlaanderen/Flandre-Dunkerque-Côte d'Opale EGTC has just published a cross-border public transport map.

  • Proceedings of the Lorraine Corridor metropolitan conferences


    Proceedings of the Lorraine Corridor metropolitan conferences

    March 2014

    The Development and Planning Agency for the Nancy Urban Area has published the proceedings of three of the Lorraine Corridor metropolitan conferences that were held in 2013.

  • The MOT on France Inter!


    The MOT on France Inter!

    March 2014

    Olivier Denert, Secretary General of the MOT, participated on 3rd of March 2014 in "Service Public" (a radio programme on France Inter, a major French public radio channel).

  • New MOT publication on the legal framework for cross-border cooperation


    New MOT publication on the legal framework for cross-border cooperation

    February 2014

    The MOT produced a guidebook entitled “The legal framework for cross-border cooperation. The legal instruments available to cross-border projects” which is aimed at helping cooperation practitioners to choose the legal form that is most appropriate for their needs. The document is available in six languages: French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Dutch.

  • Seminar on ECGs


    Seminar on ECGs

    February 2014

    The first seminar on Euroregional Cooperation Groupings (ECGs)* was held under the aegis of the Council of Europe in Ljubljana on 19 February.

  • The EGTC Platform - The Pyrenees-Mediterranean Euroregion awarded


    The EGTC Platform - The Pyrenees-Mediterranean Euroregion awarded

    February 2014

    On 18 February, the Committee of the Regions held the 4th annual meeting of the EGTC Platform, which focused on the role that EGTCs can play in the implementation of the Europe 2020 Strategy.

  • Présentation de la DATAR sur les fonds européens 2014-2020


    Présentation de la DATAR sur les fonds européens 2014-2020

    Février 2014

    Session d’information du Partenariat national sur les fonds européens des 3 et 10 février 2014.

  • Cross-border economic development in Ireland


    Cross-border economic development in Ireland

    February 2014

    On 30-31 January 2014 in Cavan (Republic of Ireland), a conference was held entitled “Cross-Border Economic Development and the Border Development Zone (BDZ) Concept”, which was jointly organised by the Centre for Cross-Border Studies (CCBS) and the International Centre for Local and Regional Development (ICLRD).

  • Progress for the "Espace Mont Blanc"


    Progress for the "Espace Mont Blanc"

    February 2014

    Implementation of a cross-border strategy for the future of the Mont Blanc mountain range took a step forward on 22 January 2014 with the signature of a statement of intent regarding the setting-up of a European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation by the three vice-chairmen of the Mont Blanc Cross-Border Conference.

  • Changes to the legal regime governing EGTCs


    Changes to the legal regime governing EGTCs

    February 2014

    On 17 December 2013, the European Parliament and the European Council approved Regulation 1302/2013 concerning European Groupings of Territorial Cooperation (EGTCs). This new regulation introduces a series of amendments to Regulation 1082/2006, which forms the legal basis for EGTCs. It will help to clarify, simplify and improve the establishment and functioning of EGTCs.

  • Launch of the 2014 OPEN DAYS


    Launch of the 2014 OPEN DAYS

    February 2014

    The 12th OPEN DAYS - the European Week of Regions and Cities - were launched on 10 January 2014.

  • The Public Procurement Directive


    The Public Procurement Directive

    February 2014

    On 15 January 2014, the European Parliament adopted on its first reading the proposal for a directive on public procurement, thus opening up interesting scope for cross-border cooperation.

  • Cross-Border Metropolitan Regions in Germany


    Cross-Border Metropolitan Regions in Germany

    February 2014

    Final report – “Cross-Border Metropolitan Regions” (MORO IMeG project, Germany)

  • Switzerland calls into question the free movement of workers


    Switzerland calls into question the free movement of workers

    February 2014

    By endorsing the UDC’s initiative “against mass immigration” on 8 February, the Swiss voted for the introduction of annual quotas for workers, whether from across the border or people that have been granted asylum, thus going against the recommendations of the Federal Council.

  • The "Metropolitan Areas" Act


    The "Metropolitan Areas" Act

    February 2014

    The final version of the draft legislation on the “modernisation of territorial public action and the affirmation of metropolitan areas” was adopted by France’s Joint Parliamentary Committee on 19 December 2013

  • ​Award for EGTCs


    ​Award for EGTCs

    January 2014

    The Committee of the Regions launches a bi-annual European award named “Building Europe Across Borders” to recognise and give visibility to the best practice of a European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC) related to the creation of growth and jobs in Europe (Europe 2020 Strategy).

  • Maubeuge - Charleroi cross-border meetings


    Maubeuge - Charleroi cross-border meetings

    January 2014

    On 16 January 2014 cross-border meetings took place in Maubeuge, organised by the Charleroi-Sud Hainaut region and the Communauté d’Agglomération Maubeuge-Val de Sambre (CAMVS) to reinforce their collaboration initiated in 2011.

  • A framework for the partnership for the structural funds


    A framework for the partnership for the structural funds

    January 2014

    On 7 January, the European Commission adopted a code of conduct providing a framework for partnership in the management of the European regional policy with regional and local authorities, economic and social partners and the other representatives of civil society.

  • France: Partnership agreement


    France: Partnership agreement

    January 2014

    The French authorities officially submitted the partnership agreement to the European Commission on 31 December 2013. This document provides the framework for the programming of the European funds for the period 2014-2020. It will be the subject of negotiations between the European Commission and France.

  • New regulations for Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 entered into force


    New regulations for Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 entered into force

    January 2014

    The regulations of the new Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 have been formally endorsed by the Council of the European Union and have been published on 20 December in the 'Official Journal of the EU' (L 347).

  • Health systems and cross-border cooperation


    Health systems and cross-border cooperation

    January 2014

    The French-Belgian health monitoring unit (EEIG OFBS) and the Wallonia-Lorraine-Luxembourg cross-border health monitoring unit (EEIG LUXLORSAN) organised a conference on health systems and cross-border cooperation, which took place on 18 December 2013 at the Committee of the Regions offices.

  • Two contributions by the CECICN for DG REGIO and DG MARKT


    Two contributions by the CECICN for DG REGIO and DG MARKT

    January 2014

    In the context of the 2014-2020 programming period, the CECICN1, of which the MOT is a member, in December 2013 officially submitted two contributions to the European Union’s DG REGIO and DG MARKT in order to prepare an upcoming meeting at European level.

  • The Eurometropolis Lille-Kortrijk-Tournai publishes its 2014-2020 strategy


    The Eurometropolis Lille-Kortrijk-Tournai publishes its 2014-2020 strategy

    January 2014

    The overall objective of the Eurometropolis strategy is to “proceed from the collective project to practical implementations”.

  • Cross-border cooperation, “lever of peace and development” in Africa


    Cross-border cooperation, “lever of peace and development” in Africa

    January 2014

    “Build bridges between the States through the construction of development programmes that are going to join together the communities on either side of physical borders” was the objective of the conference on cross-border cooperation which took place on 17 to 19 December 2013 in Dakar, Senegal, under the aegis of the UEMOA1, attended by Aminata Touré, prime minister of Senegal, ministers from Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, Benin and Guinea-Bissau, representatives of Côte d’Ivoire, Togo, the African Union and the ECOWAS, and many local elected representatives and experts.

  • The President Michel Delebarre and the whole MOT team wish you a very Happy New Year 2014!