
New regulations for Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 entered into force

January 2014

New regulations for Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 entered into force

The regulations of the new Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 have been formally endorsed by the Council of the European Union and have been published on 20 December in the 'Official Journal of the EU' (L 347).

The Member States now move to finalise their strategic plans with investment priorities for regional development, following months of preparation. These Partnership Agreements are expected to be adopted in the early part of 2014.

  • To consult the new regulations:

The Common Provisions regulation on EU funds
“Common provisions regulation: Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 laying down common provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund, the Cohesion Fund, the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund and laying down general provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund, the Cohesion Fund and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006”

The ERDF regulation
“Regulation (EU) No 1301/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 on the European Regional Development Fund and on specific provisions concerning the Investment for growth and jobs goal and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1080/2006”

The regulation on the European Social Fund
“Regulation (EU) No 1304/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 on the European Social Fund and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 1081/2006”

The Cohesion Fund regulation
“Regulation (EU) No 1300/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 on the Cohesion Fund and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 1084/2006”

The ETC regulation
“ETC regulation: Regulation (EU) No 1299/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 on specific provisions for the support from the European Regional Development Fund to the European territorial cooperation goal”

The EGTC regulation
“EGTC regulation: Regulation (EU) No 1302/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 amending Regulation (EC) No 1082/2006 on a European grouping of territorial cooperation (EGTC) as regards the clarification, simplification and improvement of the establishment and functioning of such groupings”

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