
  • Meeting between the President of the MOT and the Minister for Territorial Cohesion


    Meeting between the President of the MOT and the Minister for Territorial Cohesion

    May 2021

    On 29 April, the President of the MOT, Christian Dupessey, was received by the French Minister for Territorial Cohesion and Relations with Local Governments, Jacqueline Gourault. It was an opportunity to address several key topics for the MOT: the “4D Bill” which will include, as confirmed by Ms Gourault, a cross-border component; the French Presidency of the EU during the first half of 2022; as well as the partnerships with the minister’s office, the ANCT and the DGCL (Directorate-General for Local Government).

  • Eurodistrict Pamina takes stock after a year of crisis


    Eurodistrict Pamina takes stock after a year of crisis

    May 2021

    “The effects of the health crisis are even more evident in cross-border catchment areas like those of Eurodistricts. [...] One essential criterion in cross-border cooperation is the reduction of inequalities, of differences and disparities between territories, given the proximity to citizens’ experiences. Yet, for over a year now, we have been seeing increasing disparities in our cross-border territories.”

  • First national meetings of the Small Towns of Tomorrow programme


    First national meetings of the Small Towns of Tomorrow programme

    May 2021

    These meetings were held on 22 April 2021, organised by the ANCT, with the Minister Jacqueline Gourault and Minister of State Joël Giraud in attendance. All beneficiary towns were invited, and examples of territory projects were presented. Among these, several border towns were highlighted, including Saint-Jean de Maurienne and its valley in Savoie, Bouzonville and Sierck-les-Bains in Moselle, along with Hirson and the Thiérache in Aisne.

  • Study on national networks of border regions: the MOT highlighted


    Study on national networks of border regions: the MOT highlighted

    April 2021

    This study, conducted for the German Ministry of the Interior by Professor Tobias Chilla, of Erlangen-Nuremberg University, confirms the need to take account of cross-border issues not only at local and European levels, but also at national level. It highlights the MOT for France and the CESCI for Hungary, which enable these two countries to be the most active in the development of their cross-border regions.

  • Editorial by Uwe Conradt, Vice-President of the SaarMoselle Eurodistrict and Mayor of Saarbrücken


    Editorial by Uwe Conradt, Vice-President of the SaarMoselle Eurodistrict and Mayor of Saarbrücken

    April 2021

    “The border had practically been erased”

  • Projects of the SaarMoselle Eurodistrict up to 2027


    Projects of the SaarMoselle Eurodistrict up to 2027

    April 2021

    The Eurodistrict is in the final phase of the process of drawing up its new territorial strategy. The issues it addresses are varied, and in the special context of the pandemic, cross-border cooperation has taken on particular importance, notably in the area of healthcare.

  • MOT

    A webinar aimed at border region prefects

    April 2021

    On 24 March, the MOT made a contribution in a webinar of the National Agency for Territorial Cohesion (ANCT) on cross-border issues, which was facilitated by its director-general, Yves le Breton, and the prefect responsible for cross-border matters, Christian Rock.

  • Focus on the Franco-Italian project PROSANTE, and assistance from the MOT


    Focus on the Franco-Italian project PROSANTE, and assistance from the MOT

    April 2021

    Funded by the Interreg programme Alcotra, the "PROSANTE" project is dedicated to the creation of a cross-border healthcare network linking the hospitals in Briançon and Susa on the Franco-Italian border.

  • An observatory of the territorial impacts of the crisis


    An observatory of the territorial impacts of the crisis

    April 2021

    This new observatory (French level) presented its preliminary findings at a webinar on 19 March, entitled “What is the impact of the Covid-19 crisis on territories’ economic and social dynamics?”, in which the MOT participated.

  • "Luxembourg in transition": a model for zero-carbon cross-border territories?


    "Luxembourg in transition": a model for zero-carbon cross-border territories?

    April 2021

    In December 2020, under the German presidency of the EU Council, a pilot action of the Territorial Agenda was approved, entitled “A vision for a zero-carbon cross-border functional region”. Its aim is to promote and transpose in other European regions the project “Luxembourg in transition”.

  • Forum on Mobility in Lorraine: white paper adopted


    Forum on Mobility in Lorraine: white paper adopted

    April 2021

    Led by the Lorraine Corridor Metropolitan Pole and the Grand Est Region, on 16 March 2021 the “Grenelle des Mobilités” (“Forum on Mobility”) published a white paper setting out “nine commitments over the next ten years designed to connect Lorraine to its neighbours”.

  • Adoption of the “Experimentation” bill


    Adoption of the “Experimentation” bill

    April 2021

    On 16 March 2021, French Parliament definitively adopted the draft legislation aimed at simplifying and developing local experimentation initiated by territorial authorities.

  • 26th Franco-Spanish summit: towards “a comprehensive cross-border strategy”


    26th Franco-Spanish summit: towards “a comprehensive cross-border strategy”

    April 2021

    On 15 March 2021 the 26th Franco-Spanish summit was held in Montauban, the first to be held between the French President, Emmanuel Macron, and the President of the Spanish government, Pedro Sánchez. As well as an agreement on recognition of dual nationality and management of the Covid crisis, cross-border issues were at the heart of the discussions.

  • Mountain shelters in the Pyrenees: setting up a cross-border cooperation structure


    Mountain shelters in the Pyrenees: setting up a cross-border cooperation structure

    April 2021

    At the request of the French Federation of Alpine and Mountaineering Clubs, the MOT assisted – between April 2019 and November 2020 – the partners in the Interreg project "ENTREPYR II" in the choice and implementation of a cross-border legal structure to ensure the long-term future of cross-border cooperation regarding mountain shelters in the Pyrenees.

  • Border closure: a very difficult situation in Moselle


    Border closure: a very difficult situation in Moselle

    March 2021

    On 28 February, Germany took the decision to restrict crossings at its border for people coming from the Moselle, describing the department as “a zone in which Covid-19 is circulating”.

  • Editorial by Frédérique Bonnard-Le Floc’h, the Finistère Department Councillor in charge of higher education, research and European affairs
  • Cooperation between the Finistère Department and Cornwall County Council


    Cooperation between the Finistère Department and Cornwall County Council

    March 2021

    Climate change doesn’t care about borders and calls for greater solidarity! The Finistère Department and Cornwall County Council have shared values and challenges: regional languages, a Celtic culture, and a strong relationship with the sea and the environment.

  • Brexit: the future of cooperation around the Channel at risk


    Brexit: the future of cooperation around the Channel at risk

    March 2021

    Since it came into force on 31 January 2020, the effects of Brexit on the territories oriented towards the Channel are tangible. On both sides, the new procedures for exports are penalising small producers, the fishing and agri-business sectors, as well as the services sector (tourism and hospitality). The economic context linked to the double crisis (Covid and Brexit) is also putting many cross-Channel transport links at risk.

  • Greater Region: interactive cross-border map showing air quality


    Greater Region: interactive cross-border map showing air quality

    March 2021

    The Greater Region’s Geographical Information System and ATMO Grand Est have joined forces in order to develop an interactive map that makes it possible to check air quality across the whole of the cross-border territory of the Greater Region.

  • European consultation on the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T)


    European consultation on the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T)

    Mars 2021

    The European Commission has launched a new public consultation on the TEN-T guidelines with respect to transport infrastructure. It is open until 5 May 2021.

  • Opinion of the Committee of the Regions on cross-border public services


    Opinion of the Committee of the Regions on cross-border public services

    March 2021

    In February 2021, the European Committee of the Regions published an opinion entitled “Cross-Border Public Services in Europe”, for which the rapporteur is Pavel Branda (ECR/CZ), Deputy Mayor of Rádlo (Czech Republic).

  • Launch of the REGIOSTARS Awards 2021: get working on your cross-border projects!


    Launch of the REGIOSTARS Awards 2021: get working on your cross-border projects!

    March 2021

    Regiostars awards are the yearly competition organised by DG REGIO since 2008: it has become the Europe’s label of excellence for EU-funded projects, which demonstrate innovative and inclusive approaches to regional development.

  • Recovery and Ecological Transition Contracts: the cross-border dimension taken in


    Recovery and Ecological Transition Contracts: the cross-border dimension taken in

    March 2021

    The Recovery and Ecological Transition Contracts (CRTE), announced by Jean Castex on 15 July 2020, set out “a new framework for dialogue with territories”.

  • Taking account of border towns in the national programme “Small Towns of Tomorrow”


    Taking account of border towns in the national programme “Small Towns of Tomorrow”

    March 2021

    In October 2020, the MOT was tasked by the National Agency for Territorial Cohesion and the Banque des Territoires as an “action partner” in the national programme “Small Towns of Tomorrow”.

  • French award for Saarland’s “France Strategy”


    French award for Saarland’s “France Strategy”

    March 2021

    On 3 February 2021, Saarland’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Peter Strobel, went to Paris to receive the "Prix coup de cœur 2021" awarded by the magazine "Acteurs Publics".