
First national meetings of the Small Towns of Tomorrow programme

May 2021

First national meetings of the Small Towns of Tomorrow programme

These meetings were held on 22 April 2021, organised by the ANCT, with the Minister Jacqueline Gourault and Minister of State Joël Giraud in attendance. All beneficiary towns were invited, and examples of territory projects were presented. Among these, several border towns were highlighted, including Saint-Jean de Maurienne and its valley in Savoie, Bouzonville and Sierck-les-Bains in Moselle, along with Hirson and the Thiérache in Aisne.

The challenges of territorial revitalisation are also significant for cross-border territories!

More info - in French only :
- Sur le site de l'ANCT
- Sur les travaux de la MOT dans le cadre du Programme PVD

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