
Adoption of the “Experimentation” bill

April 2021

Adoption of the “Experimentation” bill

On 16 March 2021, French Parliament definitively adopted the draft legislation aimed at simplifying and developing local experimentation initiated by territorial authorities.

As Jacqueline Gourault, the French Minister for Territorial Cohesion, pointed out: “The aim is to make experimentation more accessible and more attractive, by reducing the obstacles to their initiatives.” But simplifying this right to experiment “is not enough”, we need “also to support” territorial authorities: “Placed under the aegis of prefects, these units that will be set up by regulation will be tasked with gathering proposals from territorial authorities.”

And the ANCT will carry out “legal work to support the wishes of territorial authorities or associations of local elected representatives”. This bill constitutes the first step towards the forthcoming “4D Act”*, which will contain a section devoted to cross-border issues.

Source: article in Localtis (Banque des Territoires) of 17 March 2021.

* Differentiation, decentralisation, deconcentration and decomplexification

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