
  • Two urban planning agencies join the MOT network


    Two urban planning agencies join the MOT network

    January 2022

    After the AGUR(1), AGAPE(2) and the Saint-Omer AUD(3), the MOT has the pleasure of welcoming two new urban planning agencies into its network: the Besançon Centre Franche-Comté Urban Planning Agency (AUDAB) and the Atlantic-Pyrenees Urban Planning Agency (AUDAP).

  • The MOT interviewed about the major issues concerning cross-border work


    The MOT interviewed about the major issues concerning cross-border work

    January 2022

    As part of its special report on border exchanges, the Journal des Français à l'étranger has been investigating the difficulties faced by cross-border workers on a daily basis.

  • Bringing together cross-border territories in preparation for 2022!


    Bringing together cross-border territories in preparation for 2022!

    December 2021

    This autumn, and for the second consecutive year, the MOT organised nine “territorial meetings”, so as to keep in close contact with the members of its network, and involve them in preparing its annual programme. Held successively in Besançon, Strasbourg, Lille, Annemasse, Charleville-Mézières, Nice, Urrugne, Perpignan and Metz, both virtually and in person, the meetings brought together close to 200 participants in total.

  • EWRC "Breathing without borders" : the MOT publishes three project factsheets


    EWRC "Breathing without borders" : the MOT publishes three project factsheets

    November 2021

    Following on from the MOT’s workshop “Breathing without borders” held on 13 October during the EURegionsWeek, the MOT has published three project factsheets corresponding to the examples of good practices presented during the workshop.

  • Publication of the proceedings of the MOT's annual conference


    Publication of the proceedings of the MOT's annual conference

    November 2021

    The four roundtables held during the MOT’s annual event on 21-22 September gave rise to rich discussions among the 200 participants present in Morteau and La Chaux-de-Fonds.

  • Health crisis: a tool to facilitate cross-border movements between France, Germany and Switzerland


    Health crisis: a tool to facilitate cross-border movements between France, Germany and Switzerland

    November 2021

    At a time when the pandemic is on the rise again in Europe and health measures are being strengthened on both sides of the Rhine, the European Territorial Authority of Alsace and the Grand Est Region, in cooperation with the Centre Européen de la Consommation (European Centre for Consumer Protection) and the INFOBEST network, have made available a digital tool to aid with crossing borders.

  • In Morteau, the MOT network calls for greater recognition of "cross-border living areas"


    In Morteau, the MOT network calls for greater recognition of "cross-border living areas"

    October 2021

    In the presence of Joël Giraud, Minister of State for Rural Affairs under the Minister for Territorial Cohesion and Relations with Local Government, more than a hundred participants from all of France’s borders gathered for the MOT’s general assembly on 21-22 September in Morteau and La Chaux-de-Fonds, at the invitation of the Doubs Urban Conurbation.

  • Editorial by Pierre Vaufrey, President of the Doubs Urban Conurbation and Deputy Mayor of Morteau


    Editorial by Pierre Vaufrey, President of the Doubs Urban Conurbation and Deputy Mayor of Morteau

    September 2021

    "The Doubs Urban Conurbation was set up in 2006. Initially an informal collaboration, it led to the creation of a local grouping of cross-border cooperation, the only one in the Franco-Swiss Jura Arc running between the Basel Trinational Eurodistrict and Greater Geneva. Today the LGCC comprises the Val de Morteau group of municipalities and the towns of Chaux-de-Fonds and Le Locle.

  • The Doubs Urban Conurbation hosts the MOT’s annual event


    The Doubs Urban Conurbation hosts the MOT’s annual event

    September 2021

    The MOT’s general assembly is taking place this year in Morteau and La Chaux-de-Fonds on 21-22 September, at the invitation of the Doubs Urban Conurbation, a member of its network. Joël Giraud, Minister of State under the Minister for Territorial Cohesion, in charge of Rurality (France) and former Vice-President of the MOT, will speak at the end of the first day.

  • The Doubs Urban Conurbation: "We need to develop local cross-border cooperation"


    The Doubs Urban Conurbation: "We need to develop local cross-border cooperation"

    September 2021

    Seven years after its creation, the LGCC* of the Doubs Urban Conurbation (Agglomération Urbaine du Doubs – AUD) has shown its effectiveness in helping local elected representatives to get to know one another better, which has enabled them to set out joint projects while at the same time speaking with one voice on behalf of the binational territory.

  • Cross-border monitoring of the 3DS bill (France) by the MOT


    Cross-border monitoring of the 3DS bill (France) by the MOT

    September 2021

    Following its adoption at its first reading in the Senate on 21 July 2021, the 3DS bill (standing for “differentiation, decentralisation, deconcentration and various measures to simplify local public action”) will be examined under a fast-track procedure in the Assemblée Nationale, in France, from the beginning of December. Taking on a number of the proposals put forward by the MOT, the senators adopted a series of amendments relating to cross-border issues.

  • Basel Trinational Eurodistrict - Involving inhabitants in thinking about the future of their trinational region


    Basel Trinational Eurodistrict - Involving inhabitants in thinking about the future of their trinational region

    July 2021

    The health situation threw up a major challenge – that of providing a suitable format for citizens’ participation in the middle of a pandemic. In collaboration with the Euro-Institut and the MOT, the Basel Trinational Eurodistrict (ETB) developed a concept organised around a questionnaire and several virtual events. The aim was both to ensure broad participation from the population and to facilitate real exchanges between citizens from the three countries.

  • Editorial by Thomas Zeller, President of the Basel Trinational Eurodistrict, Vice-President of the Saint-Louis Conurbation and Mayor of Hegenheim


    Editorial by Thomas Zeller, President of the Basel Trinational Eurodistrict, Vice-President of the Saint-Louis Conurbation and Mayor of Hegenheim

    July 2021

    The Basel trinational conurbation is a genuinely shared living area that is strongly interconnected. In designing our Strategy 2030, it seemed extremely important to us to set our goals in accordance with what matters to the region’s population.

  • 4D bill: The MOT's proposals to strengthen the cross-border component


    4D bill: The MOT's proposals to strengthen the cross-border component

    June 2021

    In anticipation of the reading of the 4D bill in Parliament, the MOT, on behalf of its network, has sent to the co-rapporteurs of the Senate’s Law Commission on this legislation proposed amendments aimed at strengthening its cross-border component.

  • A cross-border component in the ‘4D’ bill


    A cross-border component in the ‘4D’ bill

    May 2021

    The “4D” bill was presented during the Council of Ministers’ session on 12 May. It will be subject to an accelerated parliamentary procedure, and its reading in the Senate is scheduled for July.

  • Taking account of border towns in the national programme “Small Towns of Tomorrow”


    Taking account of border towns in the national programme “Small Towns of Tomorrow”

    March 2021

    In October 2020, the MOT was tasked by the National Agency for Territorial Cohesion and the Banque des Territoires as an “action partner” in the national programme “Small Towns of Tomorrow”.

  • Survey aimed at the inhabitants of the Basel Trinational Eurodistrict


    Survey aimed at the inhabitants of the Basel Trinational Eurodistrict

    February 2021

    In collaboration with the MOT and the Euro-Institut, the Basel Trinational Eurodistrict is currently working on its Strategy 2030, which will set out its role, its organisation and its themes for the coming years. One of its goals is to involve citizens more, as cross-border cooperation is aimed at one thing above all: making daily life and coexistence the border region easier and more enriching for its inhabitants.

  • Restrictions at France’s borders: cross-border living areas finally recognised


    Restrictions at France’s borders: cross-border living areas finally recognised

    February 2021

    Since 31 January 2021, anyone entering France, including from other European countries, must be in possession of a negative Covid test obtained within the previous 72 hours. However, this obligation does not apply to the inhabitants of cross-border living areas (for journeys lasting less than 24 hours) or to cross-border workers.

  • Craftsmanship of mechanical watchmaking and art mechanics in the Jura Arc listed by UNESCO


    Craftsmanship of mechanical watchmaking and art mechanics in the Jura Arc listed by UNESCO

    January 2021

    On 16 December 2020, UNESCO added craftsmanship of mechanical watchmaking and art mechanics to the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. This listing gives recognition to an emblematic living tradition in the Franco-Swiss Jura Arc. The candidacy was regarded as exemplary by UNESCO in that it raises awareness of the importance of intangible cultural heritage in a cross-border space

  • Supporting the development of cross-border projects along the Grand Est Region's borders


    Supporting the development of cross-border projects along the Grand Est Region's borders

    January 2021

    On 9 October 2020, the final conference relating to the study “Analysis of the contributions made by the 2014-2020 cross-border cooperation programmes in the Grand Est Region”, led by the Region within the framework of the European programme Europ'Act and coordinated by the MOT and the Euro-Institut, brought together in the form of a webinar around one hundred participants.

  • "FOCUS", a new thematic brochure by the MOT :  "Les massifs aux frontières françaises"*


    "FOCUS", a new thematic brochure by the MOT : "Les massifs aux frontières françaises"*

    October 2020

    Mountain areas represent over 40% of France’s borders. Among France’s mountain ranges, three of them are located in border regions: the Jura, the Pyrenees and the Alps. This new brochure sets out their common cross-border issues and challenges, while also highlighting concrete cross-border projects.


    Switzerland will not be closed to cross-border residents

    September 2020

    The vote on mass immigration (27/09/2020) is defeated by 63%.

  • End of the uncertainty around homeworking for cross-border workers

    End of the uncertainty around homeworking for cross-border workers

    September 2020

    In the context of the health crisis, all of the neighbouring countries have sought to encourage homeworking. Good news for cross-border workers: the legal uncertainty regarding the social security system governing cross-border workers has been removed until 31 December 2020.

  • Editorial of Christian Dupessey, new President of the MOT, Mayor of Annemasse and First Vice-President of Annemasse Agglo


    Editorial of Christian Dupessey, new President of the MOT, Mayor of Annemasse and First Vice-President of Annemasse Agglo

    September 2020

    The MOT’s 23rd general assembly, held in Colmar, was an opportunity for rich discussions between representatives of territories that are sometimes very different and yet so similar in terms of their cross-border specificities. You have done me the honour of electing me as the MOT’s President and I am conscious of the responsibility this represents.

  • Proceedings of the Besançon day event on Cross-Border Metropolitan Cooperation