
The Doubs Urban Conurbation hosts the MOT’s annual event

September 2021

The Doubs Urban Conurbation hosts the MOT’s annual event

The MOT’s general assembly is taking place this year in Morteau and La Chaux-de-Fonds on 21-22 September, at the invitation of the Doubs Urban Conurbation, a member of its network. Joël Giraud, Minister of State under the Minister for Territorial Cohesion, in charge of Rurality (France) and former Vice-President of the MOT, will speak at the end of the first day.

Thus, two days of cross-border discussions and exchanges of views1 await the participants over the course of the general assembly, four roundtables and field visits on either side of the Franco-Swiss border.

In the context of the recent progress made at European level,2 the topics of the roundtables will highlight key challenges for cross-border territories:
RT1 The ecological transition: "Towards cross-border sobriety?".
RT2 Co-development: "Can the economic recovery be cross-border and mutually supportive?".
RT3 Citizenship: "How can cross-border citizens’ and territorial inclusion be promoted".
RT4 Resilience: "The Jura mountains: what are the (re)sources of recovery and adaptation?".

Alongside the MOT’s President, Christian Dupessey, and many local elected representatives,3 participants include the MEP/MPs Isabelle Rauch (Moselle) and Annie Genevard (Doubs), and Philippe Voiry, ambassador for border issues (France).

More info (FR)
Read the editorial by Pierre Vaufrey, President of the Doubs Urban Conurbation and Deputy Mayor of Morteau

1 They can be watched in person or remotely.
2 See page 3: European Committee of the Regions resolution and publication of a report by the European Commission on cooperation and cross-border living areas.
3 Anne Vignot, Mayor of Besançon and President of the Greater Besançon Metropolis, Cédric Bole, Mayor of Morteau and President of the Val de Morteau Community of Municipalities, Philippe Alpy, Vice-President of the Doubs Department, Pierre Vaufrey, President of the Doubs Urban Conurbation and Deputy Mayor of Morteau, Catherine Barthelet, President of the Besançon Centre Franche-Comté Urban-Planning Agency.


Photo : Footbridge over the River Doubs

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