Editorial by Thomas Zeller, President of the Basel Trinational Eurodistrict, Vice-President of the Saint-Louis Conurbation and Mayor of Hegenheim
July 2021The Basel trinational conurbation is a genuinely shared living area that is strongly interconnected. In designing our Strategy 2030, it seemed extremely important to us to set our goals in accordance with what matters to the region’s population.
What are the concerns of the inhabitants of our territory? How can their ideas inform our cross-border projects? As experts in daily life, the region’s inhabitants, with their wealth of experience, know exactly which areas of cross-border cooperation need improvement.
In this very unusual year, it has been very difficult, even impossible, for the region’s inhabitants to come together. It therefore seemed all the more important to give the population an opportunity to discuss the future of their common region. To enable them to discuss what works, but also the obstacles they encounter in their daily lives. And to enable them to put forward their ideas to build their future together. These discussions strengthen the feeling of belonging to a region that only realises its full potential when neighbours work hand-in-hand.
We have been excited by the interest that the population has shown in our citizens’ consultation. Some 1200 people have shared their experiences regarding the cross-border obstacles they face and have sent to us their ideas for our fruitful coexistence across borders. It is now up to us to make good use of these many ideas and we are already looking forward to continuing a lively dialogue with the population.
Read the article: "Basel Trinational Eurodistrict - Involving inhabitants in thinking about the future of their trinational region"
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