
  • MOT general assembly - A full programme for cross-border cooperation in 2022


    MOT general assembly - A full programme for cross-border cooperation in 2022

    February 2022

    More than 120 people, including many elected representatives, came together remotely for the MOT’s first general assembly of the year on 9 February 2022. For Christian Dupessey, MOT’s President, Mayor of Annemasse and President of the Metropolitan Pole of the French Genevois: "our cross-border regions have been at the heart of the pandemic, which has brought about a new awareness that the MOT has greatly contributed to fostering".

  • Adoption of the 3DS bill in France: tangible progress for cross-border territories


    Adoption of the 3DS bill in France: tangible progress for cross-border territories

    February 2022

    The 3DS bill (standing for differentiation, decentralisation, deconcentration and simplification of local public action) was adopted in its final reading at the Assemblée Nationale and the Senate in France on 8-9 February. The MOT is delighted about the inclusion for the first time of a chapter devoted to cross-border cooperation in a piece of legislation.

  • International conference on urban sustainable development: spotlight on cross-border territories


    International conference on urban sustainable development: spotlight on cross-border territories

    February 2022

    The MOT took part in this conference organised within the framework of the French Partnership for Cities and Territories. It led one of its four workshops, on cross-border and European cooperation initiatives, and was able to get across the following message: sustainable development also needs to cross borders and requires cross-border cooperation.

  • Strengthen cross-border cooperation in Europe, one of the five priority areas of the Joint Action Plan Plan signed by the European Commission and the CoR


    Strengthen cross-border cooperation in Europe, one of the five priority areas of the Joint Action Plan Plan signed by the European Commission and the CoR

    February 2022

    On 25 January, the European Committee of the Regions and the European Commission signed a Joint Action Plan signed to enhance cooperation to support regions in the transition towards a more inclusive, sustainable and digital Europe.

  • New DG REGIO Study: Providing public transport in cross-border regions – mapping of existing services and legal obstacles


    New DG REGIO Study: Providing public transport in cross-border regions – mapping of existing services and legal obstacles

    February 2022

    With about 30% of the EU population living in internal border regions, the new DG REGIO publication contributes to the growing recognition of the importance of cross-border public transport services (CBPT) and their role in facilitating cross-border activities central to the development of border regions.

  • Meeting with Commissioner Elisa Ferreira


    Meeting with Commissioner Elisa Ferreira

    February 2022

    On 25 January, a videoconference brought together the European Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms, Elisa Ferreira, the MOT’s President, Christian Dupessey, the AEBR’s President Karl-Heinz Lambertz, and CESCI’s Vice-President, Zsuzsanna Fejes.

  • EGTC Award 2022 – Call for applications


    EGTC Award 2022 – Call for applications

    February 2022

    The European Committee of the Regions invites the European Groupings of Territorial Cooperation to submit their applications for the 2022 edition of the award "Building Europe across borders" – Award for EGTCs.

  • A cross-border participatory budget for the Pyrénées-Atlantiques Department and Gipuzkoa


    A cross-border participatory budget for the Pyrénées-Atlantiques Department and Gipuzkoa

    February 2022

    "This is unique in France – we are the first!” declared Jean-Jacques Lasserre, the President of the Pyrénées-Atlantiques Departmental Council, on 27 January, accompanied by the Deputy-General of Gipuzkoa, at a press conference held to launch an innovative project named "ideiak 2022".

  • The Pyrenees-Mediterranean Euroregion is setting up a "Youth Parliament"


    The Pyrenees-Mediterranean Euroregion is setting up a "Youth Parliament"

    February 2022

    The Occitanie Region, the Generalitat of Catalonia and the government of the Balearic Islands approved in Brussels on Thursday the creation of a Youth Parliament. An initiative of the Occitanie Region, and its Vice-President, Nadia Pellefigue, which holds the rotating presidency of the Euroregion until the end of the year. We may recall that 2022 is the "European Year of Youth".

  • Detail of Interreg programmes published


    Detail of Interreg programmes published

    February 2022

    On 19 January 2022, the European Commission published in the EU’s Official Journal the detail of Interreg programmes for the period 2021 to 2027.

  • A "web" of cross-border innovation to observe and promote the economy of the Upper Rhine


    A "web" of cross-border innovation to observe and promote the economy of the Upper Rhine

    February 2022

    A "web" is a new method for observing innovative sectors. It consists of a mode of visualisation of ecosystems through the representation of their players and the relationships that connect them, and is designed to be a "participatory and experimental tool".

  • Several calls for projects to support decentralised cooperation


    Several calls for projects to support decentralised cooperation

    February 2022

    The Delegation for the External Action of Local Authorities (DAECT) of the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs has launched several calls for projects – general, thematic and geographical – to support decentralised cooperation projects. They must be submitted between mid-March and mid-April.

  • Conference on "What dynamics for cross-border territories?": the recordings are online


    Conference on "What dynamics for cross-border territories?": the recordings are online

    February 2022

    Jean Peyrony, Director-General of the Transfrontier Operational Mission, spoke on the subject of innovation at this conference organised by the Think Tank Territoire (TTT), at the Senate, on 3 January 2022.

  • Editorial by Jean Rottner, President of the Grand Est Region and President of the FNAU


    Editorial by Jean Rottner, President of the Grand Est Region and President of the FNAU

    January 2022

    With the start of the 2022 marking the launch of France’s presidency of the European Union, it is an important time to champion the construction of a Europe that is closer to its citizens, a Europe of daily life, notably embodied by the cross-border territories, which contribute to cementing the European edifice.

  • Two urban planning agencies join the MOT network


    Two urban planning agencies join the MOT network

    January 2022

    After the AGUR(1), AGAPE(2) and the Saint-Omer AUD(3), the MOT has the pleasure of welcoming two new urban planning agencies into its network: the Besançon Centre Franche-Comté Urban Planning Agency (AUDAB) and the Atlantic-Pyrenees Urban Planning Agency (AUDAP).

  • Closer cooperation between Strasbourg and Kehl


    Closer cooperation between Strasbourg and Kehl

    January 2022

    At their joint municipal council meeting that took place on 1 December 2021, the cities of Strasbourg and Kehl signed a cooperation agreement aimed at stepping up their exchanges and working on new cross-border projects. This initiative encompasses the competences of the Strasbourg Eurometropolis, which is a signatory to the agreement, thus marking a recognition of involvement at the intermunicipal level in the cooperation between the cities and the construction of a cross-border conurbation.

  • Spotlight on cross-border public services at the 42nd conference of urban planning agencies


    Spotlight on cross-border public services at the 42nd conference of urban planning agencies

    January 2022

    At a time when the closure of borders highlights the issues relating to cross-border living areas and their cohesion, the provision of public services specific to these territories was the subject of a dedicated workshop at the FNAU’s last national conference.

  • En route for Katowice to talk cross-border cooperation!


    En route for Katowice to talk cross-border cooperation!

    January 2022

    The PFVT (Partenariat Français pour la Ville et les Territoires – French Partnership for Cities and Territories) is French urban development players’ platform for discussion and promotion of their expertise internationally.

  • MOT study for the Lille Metropolis Development and Urban Planning Agency: the impacts of the pandemic on the cross-border area


    MOT study for the Lille Metropolis Development and Urban Planning Agency: the impacts of the pandemic on the cross-border area

    January 2022

    Between June and September 2021, the MOT was commissioned by the Lille Metropolis Development and Urban Planning Agency (ADULM) to conduct an analysis of the consequences of the border restrictions in the territory of the Lille-Kortrijk-Tournai Eurometropolis. The aim was to identify the issues highlighted and revealed by the crisis and the brakes on/levers for the development of the cross-border territory.

  • MOT

    The MOT partner in the GeRTrUD

    January 2022

    A large proportion of new urbanisation is concentrated in areas, more or less densely spread out, located on the edges of major urban conurbations. This phenomenon of "scattered" urbanisation encompasses scenarios as varied as the construction of periurban housing estates on the outskirts of big cities, the setting-up of economic activities far from urban centres and the development of small rural towns between two conurbations.

  • The three Franco-Belgian EGTCs sign a memorandum addressed to France’s presidency


    The three Franco-Belgian EGTCs sign a memorandum addressed to France’s presidency

    January 2022

    On the initiative of the Lille-Kortrijk-Tournai Eurometropolis, the three EGTCs working along the Franco-Belgian border signed a memorandum addressed to France’s presidency of the EU.

  • France’s presidency of the EU: what place for cross-border territories?


    France’s presidency of the EU: what place for cross-border territories?

    January 2022

    From 1 January until 30 June 2022, France holds the presidency of the European Union Council, for the 13th time. At a press conference on 9 December, President Emmanuel Macron set out the presidency’s three main themes: "recovery", "power" and "belonging". On this last point, he emphasised that the feeling of belonging to the European region had "declined" in France, as in other EU countries.

  • Joint declaration about the cross-border hospital in Puigcerdà


    Joint declaration about the cross-border hospital in Puigcerdà

    January 2022

    On 7 December in Brussels, the French Health Minister, Olivier Véran, and his Spanish counterpart, Carolina Darias, signed a declaration of intent concerning the cross-border hospital in Puigcerdá, which sets out the framework for cooperation with respect to healthcare professionals practising between the two countries.

  • A cross-border strategy for resilience to climate change in the Pyrenees


    A cross-border strategy for resilience to climate change in the Pyrenees

    January 2022

    At its annual plenary council meeting on 13 December in Alp, in Cerdanya, the members of the Communauté de Travail des Pyrénées (CTP – Working Community of the Pyrenees) unveiled a new “Pyrenees Climate Change Strategy” (EPiCC).

  • Cross-border regions in the Commission’s proposed reform of the Schengen Area: a major step forward


    Cross-border regions in the Commission’s proposed reform of the Schengen Area: a major step forward

    January 2022

    On 14 December 2021, the European Commission presented to the European Parliament its proposals for new rules to strengthen the governance of the Schengen Area. The draft regulation, which sets forth a "Union Code on the rules governing the movement of persons across borders", specifically takes account of "cross-border regions".