A comparative study by the MOT on major retailers in the SaarMoselle Eurodistrict
April 2022The Saarbrücken Regionalverband has just published a study on planning and permits regarding projects for sites intended for major retailers in the SaarMoselle Eurodistrict, on the Franco-German border. This assignment was carried out by the MOT and the German consultancy Junker+Kruse.
It was produced within the framework of the drafting by the SaarMoselle Eurodistrict of its territorial strategy for the 2021-2027 Interreg programming period and that of a future concept of regional development and a cross-border planning strategy. To do this, the members of the Eurodistrict focused first of all on planning for major retailers.
The objectives set for the study included: presenting and comparing the legal frameworks for planning in France and Germany; elucidating the characteristics of managing major retail sites in both countries; enumerating the tools used to support consultation processes; and setting out recommendations for designing a consultation tool aimed at planning for major retailers in the territory.
This comparative study is one component of the model project of spatial planning "MORO": a Franco-German "Planspiel" one of whose pilot sites is the SaarMoselle Eurodistrict. As part of this MORO project, which is due to be completed in autumn 2022, a design brief for a conurbation concept for the territory of the Eurodistrict is in the process of being drawn up.
In addition to providing the members of the Eurodistrict with a body of documentation on cross-border planning for major retailers, this exploratory work, along with the MORO project, constitutes the first example of concrete implementation of the Franco-German spatial planning set out in Article 20 of the Aachen Treaty: "The two countries shall step up the integration of their economies in order to create a Franco-German economic area with common rules."
Website of the Eurodistrict Saarmoselle
Photo: Shopping centre in Farébersviller, territory of the SaarMoselle Eurodistrict
Credit: Jean-Christophe Verhaegen
* "Strengthening territorial development and spatial planning in cross-border regions"
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