
  • Cross-border employment dynamics in Europe and France


    Cross-border employment dynamics in Europe and France

    December 2017

    The territorial observatory provides, in the form of factsheets, a set of analyses and an overview of the state of France's territories.

  • Seventh meeting of the parliamentary working group on cross-border cooperation


    Seventh meeting of the parliamentary working group on cross-border cooperation

    December 2017

    On 29 November, Anne Sander MEP, hosted around a breakfast the seventh meeting of her parliamentary working group on cross-border cooperation.

  • MOT

    Strasbourg's "Rendez-vous européens"

    December 2017

    On 24 November, the MOT made a contribution during a workshop organised as part of Strasbourg's "Rendez-vous européens".

  • The "Temporelles" Congress 2017 : It's time to go beyond our borders!


    The "Temporelles" Congress 2017 : It's time to go beyond our borders!

    December 2017

    On 16 November, the MOT took part in the 2017 edition of the "Temporelles" organised by Tempo Territorial and the Lille European Metropolis.

  • 13th Antilles-Guiana regional cooperation conference


    13th Antilles-Guiana regional cooperation conference

    December 2017

    The 13th Antilles-Guiana regional cooperation conference took place in Pointe-à-Pitre on 15-17 November 2017.

  • 10th anniversary of the Cross-Border Jura Arc Forum


    10th anniversary of the Cross-Border Jura Arc Forum

    November 2017

    The Cross-Border Jura Arc Forum celebrated the 10th anniversary of its creation on Saturday 21 October 2017 at the town hall of Le Russey in the Haut-Doubs Department.

  • Launch of the MOT's online forum


    Launch of the MOT's online forum

    November 2017

    The MOT's Forum is up and running!


    Establishment of the new Greater Geneva Conurbation Forum

    November 2017

    A body for cross-border civil society dialogue launched in 2013 on the initiative of the Local Grouping of Cross-Border Cooperation (LGCC), the Greater Geneva Conurbation Forum has just started its second term.

  • A "Micro-projects" page on the MOT's website


    A "Micro-projects" page on the MOT's website

    November 2017

    This summer, the MOT developed a page on its website entirely devoted to small-scale cross-border projects aimed at civil society.

  • Seventh report on economic, social and territorial cohesion


    Seventh report on economic, social and territorial cohesion

    November 2017

    This report assesses the current state of economic, social and territorial cohesion in the European Union. Following the economic crisis, there are signs of a recovery in Europe, but regional disparities persist between Member States between regions within the same country.

  • President Emmanuel Macron's visit to French Guiana


    President Emmanuel Macron's visit to French Guiana

    November 2017

    During his visit to French Guiana in October, the French President, Emmanuel Macron, stressed the importance of France's outermost regions.

  • 38th Conference of Urban-Planning Agencies: "Building a Europe of Places and Links"


    38th Conference of Urban-Planning Agencies: "Building a Europe of Places and Links"

    November 2017

    The 38th Conference of Urban-Planning Agencies was held on 8-10 November in Strasbourg, with the theme "Building a Europe of Places and Links" ("Construire l'Europe des Lieux et des Liens").

  • Workshop on the Commission's Communication on cross-border obstacles and the AEBR's annual conference


    Workshop on the Commission's Communication on cross-border obstacles and the AEBR's annual conference

    November 2017

    On 25 October 2017 in Merida (Spain), the MOT took part in a workshop of the European Commission's DG REGIO with the border regions of Spain, Portugal, France and Italy on the topic of obstacles to cross-border cooperation, following the Communication published in September.

  • Castle Talks on Cross-Border Cooperation


    Castle Talks on Cross-Border Cooperation

    November 2017

    On 8-10 November 2017 in Strasbourg, the MOT took part in the third edition of the "Castle Talks on Cross-Border Cooperation".

  • Call for projects promoting decentralised cooperation


    Call for projects promoting decentralised cooperation

    November 2017

    The Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs has launched a call for projects promoting decentralised cooperation, within which cross-border cooperation has been identified as a priority area.

  • Seminar on observation of cross-border territories


    Seminar on observation of cross-border territories

    November 2017

    On 9-10 November 2017, the MOT took part in the final conference of a project on the observation of cross-border territories along Germany's borders.

  • European Week of Regions and Cities


    European Week of Regions and Cities

    October 2017

    During the 15th edition of the European Week of Regions and Cities, which was held between 9 and 12 October 2017 in Brussels on the topic of cooperation “working for a better future”, numerous workshops addressed European territorial cooperation. Notably, the MOT team participated in the workshops “Regional and intermediate policy makers, drivers for maritime cooperation” and “Enhancing capacities of regions and cities for better cross-border cooperation”.

  • CNFPT-MOT meeting


    CNFPT-MOT meeting

    October 2017

    In the context of its partnership with the CNFPT (French National Centre for the Territorial Civil Service), the MOT organised, with a number of partners, different training sessions.

  • Meetings of the MOT's bodies and the Technicians' Platform


    Meetings of the MOT's bodies and the Technicians' Platform

    October 2017

    In the presence of Michel Delebarre, President of the MOT, and a number of elected officials, the meeting of the MOT’s steering committee was the occasion to take stock of the organisation’s different activities, and to discuss the future triennial programme for the years 2018-2020.

  • Cross-border cooperation in the field of health


    Cross-border cooperation in the field of health

    October 2017

    This publication, to which the MOT has contributed, notably by producing the maps, aims to take stock of cross-border cooperation in the field of health and the evolution of Europe’s role in the healthcare sector in global terms, by focussing on 7 experiences in Europe and by looking closely at the French-Belgian situation.

  • ESPON - Territorial impact assessment tool, Cross-border public services


    ESPON - Territorial impact assessment tool, Cross-border public services

    October 2017

    Developed over the course of the 2007-2013 programming period, the ESPON territorial impact assessment tool aims to support political decision-makers in identifying the potential territorial impacts of EU policies and legislative proposals in the regions.

  • "Promoting cohesion and development in the ORs"


    "Promoting cohesion and development in the ORs"

    October 2017

    In light of the elaboration of a new European strategy for the “outermost regions” (ORs), the Regional Development Commission of the European Parliament published a report in March 2017 to promote cohesion and development in the ORs by applying article 349 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) in an innovative and positive manner.

  • "Alzette Belval, towards a cross-border smartcity?"
  • URBACT City Festival - Greater Geneva wins a seal of approval


    URBACT City Festival - Greater Geneva wins a seal of approval

    October 2017

    On the occasion of the URBACT City Festival in Tallinn, which ran from 3 to 5 October, the PACA (concerted metropolitan development areas) process implemented by Greater Geneva has been selected and labelled “Good Practice”.

  • "What cross-border cooperation in the field of healthcare in the Jura Arc?"


    "What cross-border cooperation in the field of healthcare in the Jura Arc?"

    October 2017

    Following the signing on 27 September 2016 of the framework agreement on cross-border health cooperation between France and Switzerland, the first morning of reflection organised by the Trans-Jura Conference, which brought together elected officials and cross-border health cooperation stakeholders, aimed to take stock of existing cross-border cooperation in the field of health and to determine the desired areas for future cooperation.