The MOT's activity report has a new look
May 2018
The year of 2017 was marked by the 20th anniversary of the setting-up of the network, which was celebrated at a major European conference in Brussels. It was also a very rich year for the MOT in terms of its activities and studies. In order to let people know about the diversity and scope of these actions, carried out for the benefit of the network and cross-border territories, the MOT is publishing its latest annual report – in a completely new format, both in terms of the structure of the contents and its design and layout.
The MOT's activity report first presents the life of the organisation, one highlight of which in 2017 was the 20th General Assembly, which was held at the invitation of the Alzette Belval EGTC, and which gave the opportunity for a field visit to Belval and Villerupt. The organisation also welcomed five new members1 in 2017.
The organisation's activities are then presented with respect to three main areas:
- Area 1 – "Supporting players involved in cross-border cooperation" presents the activities of facilitating networking and providing resources (20th anniversary conference, other conferences and training sessions, an anniversary publication, resources provided to the general public and those reserved for members, etc.), as well as the technical assistance provided to the territories: 19 "bons-à-tirer"2 carried out for members and two territorial studies ("Territorial Cooperation Plan for the Lille European Metropolis" and "Cross-Border Employment in the Nouvelle Aquitaine-Euskadi-Navarra Euroregion").
- Area 2 – "Contributing to cross-border policy at national level" sets out the actions carried out to ensure that better account is taken of the cross-border dimension in public policy, as well as actions linked to territorial reform, planning along France's borders, and observation. Two studies were produced for the national level on the topics of metropolises and cross-border mountain areas.
- Area 3 – "Representing territories at the European, international and overseas levels" highlights the work of the "intergovernmental group on innovative solutions to cross-border obstacles" set up by Luxembourg and France to study the creation of a new European legal tool, as well as the activities carried out together with the European institutions and the MOT's European partners. Lastly, this section presents the studies produced for overseas territorial authorities or at the international level.
Download the activity report [FR]
1 Download the map of members.
2 Vouchers enabling members to receive technical assistance from the MOT.