
  • The Nord Department: a cross-border strategy that translates into concrete projects


    The Nord Department: a cross-border strategy that translates into concrete projects

    July 2018

    More than 100 people gathered on 12 June 2018 in the ancient Vaucelles Abbey (Cambrésis, Nord) for the first Departmental Meeting on Cross-Border Cooperation organised by the Nord Department.

  • Editorial of Sylvie Labadens, Vice-President of the Nord Department responsible for International and European Relations
  • "B-solutions": ten projects selected


    "B-solutions": ten projects selected

    July 2018

    Ten projects have been selected within the framework of the "b-solutions" call for projects launched by DG REGIO on the theme of overcoming cross-border obstacles.

  • Launch of the "Banque des Territoires"


    Launch of the "Banque des Territoires"

    July 2018

    On 30 May 2018, the Caisse des Dépôts launched the "Banque des Territoires" ("Bank for the Regions") – a new instrument aimed at territorial authorities and other local public bodies to help them to carry out future projects. Through this tool, it intends to offer a set of support and financing solutions for projects, with particular attention being given to small territorial authorities and territories facing difficulties. Border territories are directly concerned and were mentioned at the launch conference. The MOT promotes this initiative within its network. More info

  • Reform of unemployment benefit for cross-border workers


    Reform of unemployment benefit for cross-border workers

    July 2018

    On 21 June in Luxembourg, the 28 EU Employment Ministers adopted the revision of the regulation on the coordination of social security systems in the EU, which provides for reform of unemployment benefit for cross-border workers. Currently, cross-border workers pay into the unemployment benefit system of the country in which they are employed, but have their benefit paid by their country of residence when their contract comes to an end. This will be reversed under the reform.

  • "Horizon 2035: le Transfrontalier dans tous ses états ?", a publication by AGAPE


    "Horizon 2035: le Transfrontalier dans tous ses états ?", a publication by AGAPE

    July 2018

    This new issue of "InfObservatoire" sets out the cross-border forecasts of the North Lorraine Urban Planning Agency (AGAPE): "With 150,000 French cross-border workers in Luxembourg in 15 years and huge movement of goods, isn't it time […] to make the cross-border dimension a priority issue?"

  • Statistical portraits of the Jura Arc territories


    Statistical portraits of the Jura Arc territories

    July 2018

    The Jura Arc Cross-Border Statistical Observatory has published statistical portraits of four cooperation territories identified along the Franco-Swiss border as part of the 2016-2020 strategy of the Trans-Jura Conference.

  • "Towards an Alsace Euro-authority"


    "Towards an Alsace Euro-authority"

    July 2018

    The executives of the Bas-Rhin and Haut-Rhin Departments have submitted to the Prefect of the Grand Est Region a proposal for an authority with special status, based on the views of 13,000 citizens.

  • The cross-border dimension in the Territorial Observatory's annual report


    The cross-border dimension in the Territorial Observatory's annual report

    July 2018

    The General Commission for Territorial Equality (CGET) has just published its 2017 annual report. An extensive chapter looks at the dynamics of cross-border employment. Border issues are also discussed in other sections of the report.

  • A study by the European Commission on "missing cross-border rail links"


    A study by the European Commission on "missing cross-border rail links"

    July 2018

    The European Commission has published a report on the existing rail transport connections and the "missing links" on the EU's internal borders. It provides a comprehensive inventory of the 365 cross-border rail links which are underexploited or not exploited at all. In total, there are 176 missing rail links and, after consultation of the stakeholders and competent authorities, 48 of them – 9 of which are located along France's borders – were assessed as "potentially beneficial projects".

  • Territorial observation along Germany's borders and European perspectives


    Territorial observation along Germany's borders and European perspectives

    July 2018

    The observation of cross-border territories, which is now recognised as a priority by European countries, is moving towards overall coordination. The MORO project launched in Germany has accelerated this progress.

  • The "Transfermuga" project receives the "Le Monde - Smart Cities" award


    The "Transfermuga" project receives the "Le Monde - Smart Cities" award

    July 2018

    "Reducing inequalities and making urban life easier for everyone while respecting of the environment: these are the aims of the eight projects that have been selected as winners of the European competition "Le Monde - Smart Cities". The "Transfermuga" scheme in the Basque Country is one of these eight projects – well-deserved recognition for this European project that aims to "boost Franco-Spanish cooperation with respect to all modes of transport, thus reducing the dominance of individual car use".

  • Euroregions, Excellence and Innovation across EU borders. A Catalogue of Good Practices.


    Euroregions, Excellence and Innovation across EU borders. A Catalogue of Good Practices.

    July 2018

    This catalogue of good practices is designed to be a practical guide that gives people a better understanding of the "Euroregions": definition, list, typology, historical and geographical development, their role in cross-border governance, sectors of cooperation and the Euroregions' projects, etc.

  • Conference in Dubrovnik


    Conference in Dubrovnik

    July 2018

    The MOT took part in a conference entitled "Cross-Border Cooperation In Europe: Decentralisation, legal frameworks, and practice", organised under the aegis of the Council of Europe on 25 May in Dubrovnik.

  • Draft regulations for cohesion policy in 2021-2027


    Draft regulations for cohesion policy in 2021-2027

    June 2018

    On 29 May, the European Commission published its draft regulations for cohesion policy in the 2021-2027 period.

  • The European cross-border mechanism – a victory for the MOT and its partners


    The European cross-border mechanism – a victory for the MOT and its partners

    June 2018

    Among the European Commission's draft regulations is a new regulation on "a mechanism to resolve legal and administrative obstacles in a cross-border context". The regulation is based on the work over the past three years carried out by Luxembourg and France, with support from the MOT.

  • Editorial of Robert Herrmann, President of the MOT, President of the Strasbourg Eurometropolis


    Editorial of Robert Herrmann, President of the MOT, President of the Strasbourg Eurometropolis

    June 2018

    It is a great honour for me today to take up my post as the MOT's President and to follow in the footsteps of my predecessors – Michel Delebarre, Pierre Mauroy, Roland Ries – all great champions of the cross-border and European cause.

  • The MOT elects its new president at the General Assembly in Nice


    The MOT elects its new president at the General Assembly in Nice

    June 2018

    Some 130 people gathered in Nice and Ventimiglia on 22-23 May 2018 for the MOT's General Assembly. The unanimously-elected new president, Robert Herrmann, thanked the Nice-Côte d'Azur Metropolis, a member of the MOT since 2012, for hosting the assembly in this "city that is emblematic of France's international standing, but also of its profoundly European history".

  • Focus on cooperation between France, Italy and Monaco


    Focus on cooperation between France, Italy and Monaco

    June 2018

    Two roundtables devoted to cooperation between France, Italy and Monaco were held in Ventimiglia on 23 May following the MOT's General Assembly. They brought together many local elected representatives, such as Enrico Ioculano, Mayor of Ventimiglia, Jean-Pierre Vassallo, Mayor of Tende and Vice-President of the French Riviera Conurbation Community, Fabio Natta, Mayor of Cesio and President of Imperia Province, Frederico Borgna, Mayor of Cuneo and President of Cuneo Province and Marine De Carne-Trecesson, France's Ambassador to Monaco.

  • Franco-German cross-border cooperation: "Six proposals to innovate in the heart of Europe" - A parliamentary working group set up


    Franco-German cross-border cooperation: "Six proposals to innovate in the heart of Europe" - A parliamentary working group set up

    June 2018

    The report by the MP of the Bas-Rhin Department, Sylvain Waserman, was officially submitted to the French Prime Minister on 18 May. It sets out six proposals aimed at promoting a "renewal" of Franco-German cross-border cooperation, in the perspective of the forthcoming new Elysée Treaty.


    "Greater Geneva in all its forms"

    June 2018

    Monograph edited by Vincent Mottet, Preface by Jean Denais. Editions Slatkine, March 2018. Price: SFR 27.30. Published in French only - Original title: "Le Grand Genève dans tous ses Etats".

  • "European Territorial Cooperation", a reference work on European territorial cooperation


    "European Territorial Cooperation", a reference work on European territorial cooperation

    June 2018

    Entitled "European Territorial Cooperation", this book that has just been published by Springer provides a sound and succinct analysis of the process of European territorial cooperation over the past 30 years. It is already regarded as a reference work at European level for the post-2020 period.

  • Special edition on cross-border issues and the ecological transition


    Special edition on cross-border issues and the ecological transition

    June 2018

    The General Council on the Environment and Sustainable Development, which is responsible for advising the government in the different fields of competence of the French Ministry for Ecological Transition, has devoted a special edition of its magazine "Pour mémoire" to cross-border issues in the areas of transport, the environment and energy.

  • Healthcare: an important study published by the European Commission


    Healthcare: an important study published by the European Commission

    June 2018

    In March the European Commission published a study devoted to cross-border healthcare. It analyses the strengths and opportunities of cross-border cooperation based on projects funded by the EU, as well as on existing bilateral or multilateral agreements.

  • "Building a Europe of places and links"


    "Building a Europe of places and links"

    June 2018

    The journal "Urbanisme" has devoted a special issue to the topic "Construire l'Europe des lieux et des liens" ("Building a Europe of places and links"). This issue summarises the 38th conference of urban planning agencies that took place in November 2017 in Strasbourg, in which the MOT actively participated. An extensive chapter in the special issue looks at "territories without borders".