
  • Joël Giraud's report: "Tomorrow's mountains will be cross-border"


    Joël Giraud's report: "Tomorrow's mountains will be cross-border"

    May 2024

    The report entitled "Les nouveaux enjeux de développement des territoires de montagne : Pour une montagne vivante en 2030" ("New development challenges for mountain regions: For a living mountain in 2030") by Joël Giraud, Member of Parliament for the Hautes-Alpes, has just been published.

  • "Abandoned", the border strip dreams of Luxembourg's tax windfall


    "Abandoned", the border strip dreams of Luxembourg's tax windfall

    April 2024

    "French border municipalities are demanding a tax "contribution" from the neighbouring Grand Duchy. The demand was made on March 8th by a group of elected representatives."

  • The Oyapock River Council, a consultative body for local cooperation between French Guiana and the Brazilian state of Amapá


    The Oyapock River Council, a consultative body for local cooperation between French Guiana and the Brazilian state of Amapá

    April 2024

    Created by a declaration of intent signed on December 14th, 2012, between France and Brazil, the Oyapock River Council (CDF) is a joint consultative body that brings together institutional and civil society stakeholders from the Oyapock basin, the river that forms the binational border between French Guiana and the Brazilian state of Amapá, twice a year.

  • Revamping  the association's project: a new turning point for the MOT looking towards 2030


    Revamping the association's project: a new turning point for the MOT looking towards 2030

    April 2024

    On March 26th, 2024, at the Hub of the Banque des Territoires, the MOT brought together its entire team and the members of its Technical Committee for a one-day seminar: an important opportunity for exchange and collective brainstorming in the context of its Associative Project - Horizon 2030. It was an opportunity to formulate a number of operational proposals that will feed into the Project. This will be unveiled at the General Meeting on the 27th and 28th of June in Dunkirk, at the same time as the "roadmap for the partnership between the State and the MOT for the period 2024-2027" promised in 2023 by Minister Dominique Faure.

  • A neighborhood grows beyond borders


    A neighborhood grows beyond borders

    April 2024

    A first-of-its-kind partnership in Europe, "3Land" imagines the shared future of a cross-border district on the Dreiländereck, on the French-German-Swiss border. Discover our new project sheet!

  • MOT at the Cohesion Forum: how can cross-border issues be taken into account in the Report on Economic, Social and Territorial Cohesion of the EU?


    MOT at the Cohesion Forum: how can cross-border issues be taken into account in the Report on Economic, Social and Territorial Cohesion of the EU?

    April 2024

    The MOT was in Brussels on April 11th and 12th for the “Cohesion Forum” organized by the European Commission. What place for European Territorial Cooperation in future cohesion policy? How can the specific characteristics of cross-border territories be taken into account?

  • Cross-border observation: the Observ'Alp project continues in Marseille


    Cross-border observation: the Observ'Alp project continues in Marseille

    April 2024

    On April 11th and 12th, 2024, the partners of Observ'Alp, a project financed by the Interreg ALCOTRA program, met in Marseille to continue their work on cross-border observation (France-Italy-Monaco) and take part in the second meeting of the Steering Committee (COPIL) and the Collective Intelligence Committee (CIC).

  • Metropolitan RER: prospects and challenges for border territories!


    Metropolitan RER: prospects and challenges for border territories!

    April 2024

    On April 10th, 2024, the MOT working group on ecological transition held its 6th meeting, organized in partnership with "Objectif RER Métropolitains". It was an opportunity to put exchange with seven speakers who shared their experiences and expertise, and to generate strong interest with over 70 participants.

  • The Belgian Presidency wants to make rail transport "the backbone of European mobility"


    The Belgian Presidency wants to make rail transport "the backbone of European mobility"

    April 2024

    At the initiative of the Belgian Presidency, a "Brussels Declaration" was adopted by European transport ministers to outline the future of European mobility.

  • The mayor Strasbourg wants to experiment with legalising cannabis


    The mayor Strasbourg wants to experiment with legalising cannabis

    April 2024

    "The mayor of Strasbourg, Jeanne Barseghian, is asking the government to allow her to experiment with legalising cannabis in her area. "This is a pragmatic request, since the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle [...] allows cross-border territories to carry out experiments of this type", she says. [...] This request comes at a time when the liberalisation of cannabis consumption in Germany has existed, subject to conditions, since April 1st."

  • Franco-Italian links


    Franco-Italian links

    April 2024

  • The "Assises rhénanes", a cross-border meeting focused on water


    The "Assises rhénanes", a cross-border meeting focused on water

    April 2024

    After its first edition in 2023, the "Assises rhénanes de l'eau" is a cross-border event led by the Collectivité européenne d'Alsace (CEA). It was held from the 18th to 23rd of March 2024.

  • A new roadmap between Alsace and the Swiss Jura


    A new roadmap between Alsace and the Swiss Jura

    April 2024

    On March 19th, 2024, the Government of the Republic and Canton of Jura and the European Collectivity of Alsace signed a new roadmap. The aim is to redefine the areas of cooperation between the two neighbours for the years 2024 and 2025.

  • EP resolution on the new cohesion policy
  • Health: what cross-border cooperation objectives for border regions?


    Health: what cross-border cooperation objectives for border regions?

    March 2024

    Law 2016-41 of 26 January 2016 on the modernisation of France's healthcare system introduced a new "Regional Health Project" (PRS), maintained in principle, with three new components: a 10-year Strategic Orientation Framework (COS), a single 5-year Regional Health Scheme (SRS) and a Regional Programme on Access to Prevention and Care for the Most Deprived (PRAPS).

  • ECTAdapt project: No borders in the fight against climate change!


    ECTAdapt project: No borders in the fight against climate change!

    March 2024

    Extreme heat, prolonged droughts, unseasonable cold spells, storms and hurricanes... climate change knows no borders.

  • Cross-border challenges for the "Pact for the Sambre-Avesnois-Thiérache territory"


    Cross-border challenges for the "Pact for the Sambre-Avesnois-Thiérache territory"

    March 2024

    On March 12th, the MOT visited the sub-prefecture of Vervins, in the Aisne department, for a meeting on the cross-border issues facing the "Pact for the Sambre-Avesnois-Thiérache territory", attended by the SGAR, the Hauts-de-France region, the sub-prefectures of Avesnes-sur-Helpe and Vervins, the Aisne and Nord departments and the territory's EPCIs (public establishments of intercommunal cooperation).

  • MOT quarterly meeting in Strasbourg


    MOT quarterly meeting in Strasbourg

    March 2024

    On March 11th, the MOT held its quarterly meeting in Strasbourg, at the city hall. The meeting was attended by the The Strasbourg Eurometropolis, the European Territorial Authority of Alsace, the Grand Est Region and, for the first time, the Préfecture de Région.

  • France-Germany: a working group to take account of the "border reality" in national legislative procedures


    France-Germany: a working group to take account of the "border reality" in national legislative procedures

    March 2024

    On March 11th 2024 a meeting was held in Kehl, Germany, to launch the Franco-German working group responsible for developing and coordinating mechanisms to take account of the "border reality" in national legislative procedures.

  • Report from the High-Level Group on EU Cohesion Policy


    Report from the High-Level Group on EU Cohesion Policy

    March 2024

    The independent Group of High-Level Specialists on the Future of Cohesion Policy - set up in 2023 by Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms Elisa Ferreira - presented its report on 20 February 2024.

  • MEPs support creation of the European legal status for associations


    MEPs support creation of the European legal status for associations

    March 2024

    MEPs of the Legal Affairs Committee approved draft rules aimed at removing barriers to the cross-border activities, funding and mobility of non-profit associations in the EU.

  • The Southern Alps Cross-border Alliance


    The Southern Alps Cross-border Alliance

    March 2024

    A "Southern Alps Cross-border Alliance" was launched on February 8th 2024 in Imperia in the presence of Christian Estrosi, Mayor of Nice, President of the Métropole Nice Côte d'Azur and Deputy President of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Region, and Claudio Scajola, Mayor of Imperia and President of the Province of Imperia.

  • Schengen: The Council and the European Parliament agree on a revision of the EU Borders Code


    Schengen: The Council and the European Parliament agree on a revision of the EU Borders Code

    March 2024

    The Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU and negotiators from the European Parliament reached a provisional agreement on February 6, 2024, regarding the amendment of EU law governing the functioning of the Schengen area at both its external and internal borders.

  • Franco-German-Luxembourg development of the Moselle Valley


    Franco-German-Luxembourg development of the Moselle Valley

    March 2024

    As part of the partnership between the MOT and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, represented by its Department of Spatial Planning, the MOT led a Franco-German-Luxembourgian cross-border workshop on January 31st 2024 at the Maison de la Nature du Pays de Sierck (Moselle).

  • Towards a Corsican-Sardinian cross-border reserve recognised by UNESCO?


    Towards a Corsican-Sardinian cross-border reserve recognised by UNESCO?

    March 2024

    The Corsican Territorial Authority (Collectivité de Corse) and the Autonomous Region of Sardinia have launched a fundamental process of cooperation to ensure joint management of environmental issues in the Bucchi di Bunifaziu area.