Editorial by Pierre-Marc KNAFF, President of the Alzette Belval EGTC
November 2022
Since its establishment in 2013, the Alzette Belval EGTC has been working daily basis for more than 100,000 inhabitants of four Luxembourgian and eight French municipalities.
On the eve of its tenth anniversary, it will open up to a new Luxembourg municipality: Rumelange. Our field of action to achieve our third strategy will therefore be more extensive and I know that I can count on our members to "build the conurbation together".
The grouping is able to put its work into perspective thanks to the analyses and opinions of the MOT. It also relies on European measures such as "B-Solutions" of the AEBR and DG REGIO and above all the INTERREG Grande Région programme, that has recognised the Alzette Belval territory as a "functional zone". The European funds will help us carry out our strategy and resolve the obstacles of everyday life: mobility difficulties, problems of access to health care, illicit passage of waste, etc.
Our territory is undergoing major developments (Belval (L), Metzeschmelz (L), Micheville (F)) which guide us towards the future. For its part, the EGTC acts as a translitter of local expectations, a facilitator, an initiator of cross-border projects and a vector of information. Many cross-border initiatives are under way, including the formidable dynamic around "ESCH2022, European Capital of Culture", which is strengthening cultural action without borders in the long term.
The project does not stop at the end of 2022, join us to discover another facet of Alzette Belval!
Read the article : "Esch2022, a cross-border European Capital of Culture"
Photo: Ville d’Esch-sur-Alzette