
  • Europe between universities: "territories and identities in university alliances"


    Europe between universities: "territories and identities in university alliances"

    July 2023

    The University of the Greater Region (UniGR) and the University of Luxembourg organised the closing event of the Erasmus+ "EurIdentity Certificate" project and the annual conference on higher education and research in the Greater Region on 27 June 2023 on the Belval campus in Esch-sur-Alzette.

  • Understanding the flows and functioning of cross-border living areas?


    Understanding the flows and functioning of cross-border living areas?

    May 2023

    On April 13th, 2023, the second meeting of the MOT-ANCT working group dedicated to observation, co-hosted by the Atlantic and Pyrenees Urban Planning Agency (AUDAP) and the French Riviera Agglomeration Community (CARF), took place.

  • EURegionsWeek - Let's develop cross-border university cooperation!


    EURegionsWeek - Let's develop cross-border university cooperation!

    October 2022

    Review of the MOT workshop at the #EURegionsWeek.

  • Cross-border cooperation at the National Land Tenure Conference


    Cross-border cooperation at the National Land Tenure Conference

    October 2022

    On October 6th and 7th, the Assises Nationales du Foncier et des Territoires were held in Nancy. Aimed at discussing land issues in all their aspects, from upstream to downstream and from strategy to implementation, they brought together nearly 600 people, elected representatives and professionals, from both public and private sectors, for conferences, workshops and round tables, in 11 thematic sessions.


    Towards a “Greater Region of healthcare”

    May 2022

    The Grand Est Region, which currently holds the presidency of the Greater Region, and the Greater Region Economic and Social Committee, in partnership with the Greater Region Interreg V project “COSAN”, organised a seminar on approaches to foster resilience in the Greater Region’s healthcare systems on 28 April 2022 in Metz.

  • The Greater Region renews its support for citizens’ small cross-border projects


    The Greater Region renews its support for citizens’ small cross-border projects

    April 2022

    The Greater Region’s Cooperation Fund has been extended by the Greater Region Summit with a new call for projects. Its aim: "To bring the inhabitants of the Greater Region closer together and to enable them to experience the richness of exchanges across borders".

  • Taking stock halfway through France’s presidency of the Greater Region – Clément Beaune proposes restarting discussions on the ECBM


    Taking stock halfway through France’s presidency of the Greater Region – Clément Beaune proposes restarting discussions on the ECBM

    March 2022

    In January 2022, the Summit of Greater Region Executives took stock at the midpoint in France’s presidency, particularly with respect to the industrial, digital and energy transitions, flood and drought risk prevention, food and promoting short supply chains, culture, youth, sport and tourism, healthcare and security.

  • Bringing together cross-border territories in preparation for 2022!


    Bringing together cross-border territories in preparation for 2022!

    December 2021

    This autumn, and for the second consecutive year, the MOT organised nine “territorial meetings”, so as to keep in close contact with the members of its network, and involve them in preparing its annual programme. Held successively in Besançon, Strasbourg, Lille, Annemasse, Charleville-Mézières, Nice, Urrugne, Perpignan and Metz, both virtually and in person, the meetings brought together close to 200 participants in total.

  • Towards a cross-border circular economy?


    Towards a cross-border circular economy?

    November 2021

    On 18 November, the PAMINA Eurodistrict, in partnership with the MOT, held a seminar on the circular economy in the cross-border setting.

  • Two Franco-German "Planspiele" devoted to border regions


    Two Franco-German "Planspiele" devoted to border regions

    October 2021

    Concrete expressions of the Aachen Treaty, two MORO* pilot projects on the Franco-German border aim to strengthen the cross-border dimension of territorial development practices, using an innovative method that has been widely tried out in Germany – the "Planspiel"**:

  • Development of healthcare cooperation in the Greater Region


    Development of healthcare cooperation in the Greater Region

    October 2021

    On 31 August 2021, the Belgian and Luxembourg Ministers of Health signed a declaration of intent with a view to negotiating a framework agreement on cross-border healthcare cooperation between the two countries.

  • Greater Region: interactive cross-border map showing air quality


    Greater Region: interactive cross-border map showing air quality

    March 2021

    The Greater Region’s Geographical Information System and ATMO Grand Est have joined forces in order to develop an interactive map that makes it possible to check air quality across the whole of the cross-border territory of the Greater Region.

  • Launch of the “Borders” literary prize 


    Launch of the “Borders” literary prize 

    February 2021

    On 2 February, the University of Lorraine and the University of the Greater Region, in collaboration with the UniGR-Center for Border Studies, launched the first edition of the “Borders” literary prize, dedicated to the universe of the writer Léonora Miano.

  • Greater Region – The future of cooperation in the fields of higher education and research


    Greater Region – The future of cooperation in the fields of higher education and research

    January 2021

    A declaration of intention on the future of institutional cooperation in the fields of higher education and research in the Greater Region was signed on 25 November 2020 in Saarbrücken, at a ministerial conference held under Saarland’s presidency. At the conference, the ministers and representatives from the five partner regions took stock and discussed the consequences of the health crisis for cross-border cooperation between higher education and research institutions.

  • Opinion of the Grand Est Regional Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESER) on cross-border civil society


    Opinion of the Grand Est Regional Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESER) on cross-border civil society

    December 2020

    At its plenary assembly in October, the Grand Est CESER adopted an opinion on cross-border civil society. The MOT had been formally heard as part of the preparation of this publication.

  • Thematic issue: "Borders and cross-border labor markets : Opportunities and challenges"


    Thematic issue: "Borders and cross-border labor markets : Opportunities and challenges"

    June 2020

    Edited by Isabelle Pigeron-Piroth (University of Luxembourg) and Rachid Belkacem (University of Lorraine), the latest thematic issue published by the UniGR-Center for Border Studies provides an analysis of cross-border employment and related issues. Comprising seven chapters contributed by ten authors, it has a preface by Jean Peyrony, the MOT’s Director-General.

  • "Together, Let's Discuss the Added Value of EU Programmes For Our Border Territories"


    "Together, Let's Discuss the Added Value of EU Programmes For Our Border Territories"

    February 2020

    The MOT and Euro-Institut are carrying out a capitalisation study on behalf of the Grand Est region, funded by the Europ’Act technical assistance programme. Within this framework, three seminars have been held: in Strasbourg on 4 December, in Metz on 3 February, and in Charleville-Mézières on 10 February.

  • Revitalisation of inner cities in the Greater Region


    Revitalisation of inner cities in the Greater Region

    January 2020

    On 21 November 2019 the UniGR – Center for Border Studies held in Esch-sur-Alzette, in Luxembourg, its fourth Greater Region Forum, on the topic "Revitalisation of inner cities in the Greater Region". In the light of the pressure on the retail sector in the Greater Region, as well as in other cross-border regions, the discussions focused on the organisation of retailers in the face of this competition, on consumer behaviour and on possible avenues for co-development.

  • A cross-border waste water treatment plant between Belgium and Luxembourg


    A cross-border waste water treatment plant between Belgium and Luxembourg

    November 2019

    On 30 October 2019, the construction site of a new cross-border waste water treatment plant was presented to the public – a large-scale project on the border between Belgium and Luxembourg.

  • The Commission has circulated orientation papers by border


    The Commission has circulated orientation papers by border

    July 2019

    In the context of the preparation of its 2021-2027 programmes, DG REGIO has drawn up 38 Border Orientation Papers (BOPs) for all of the EU’s land borders. Six of these BOPs relate to France’s borders.

  • The Moselle wishes to become a "Eurodepartment"


    The Moselle wishes to become a "Eurodepartment"

    June 2019

    On 9 May 2019, Europe Day, the Moselle Department asked for an expansion of its competences on account of its specific location within the territory of the Greater Region, in order to foster closer links, greater effectiveness and simplified partnerships with its European neighbours.

  • A Territorial Development Plan for the Greater Region


    A Territorial Development Plan for the Greater Region

    May 2019

    Within the framework of the Interreg “Greater Region Territorial Development Plan” project, the Greater Region Executives Summit have laid the political groundwork for the drawing-up of a common cross-border territorial strategy for the Greater Region partners.

  • Border Studies, a joint study program between four universities of the Greater Region


    Border Studies, a joint study program between four universities of the Greater Region

    April 2018

    The Master in Border Studies is a two-year joint international study program, which addresses the complex economic, political, social and cultural issues of borders and of border regions in Europe and beyond. The Master provides students with the major concepts and analytical tools to understand the various challenges of border regions and cross-border cooperations.

  • Greater Region Summit


    Greater Region Summit

    March 2019

    At the 16th Greater Region Summit on 30 January 2019, the Greater Region Executives argued for "ambitious territorial cooperation and a Europe that listens to its citizens".

  • Annual seminar of Greater Region EURES advisers


    Annual seminar of Greater Region EURES advisers

    January 2019

    On 7 December 2018 in Metz, the EURES Resource and Documentation Centre/Grand Est Cross-Border Workers hosted the annual seminar of EURES advisers in the Greater Region.