
Revitalisation of inner cities in the Greater Region

January 2020

Revitalisation of inner cities in the Greater Region

On 21 November 2019 the UniGR – Center for Border Studies held in Esch-sur-Alzette, in Luxembourg, its fourth Greater Region Forum, on the topic "Revitalisation of inner cities in the Greater Region". In the light of the pressure on the retail sector in the Greater Region, as well as in other cross-border regions, the discussions focused on the organisation of retailers in the face of this competition, on consumer behaviour and on possible avenues for co-development.

Invited to the roundtable, along notably with the Luxembourg Minister for the Middle Classes and Tourism, Aurélien Biscaut, the MOT’s Secretary-General, recalled that the Greater Region territory constituted a kind of paradox of open borders – between encouragement and limitation of cross-border practices. He also raised the issue of the setting-up of infra-regional governance in the Greater Region, compared it to the situations in Basel and Geneva, and recalled that the issue of revitalising inner cities forms part of the “City Centre Action” programme that the MOT will support in the Grand Est Region in 2020.
More info [FR]

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