
  • Meeting in Brussels on "Missing Railway Links"


    Meeting in Brussels on "Missing Railway Links"

    May 2019

    Since a study by DG REGIO on the topic in 2018, the importance of “Missing Railway Links” for cohesion policy and the development of border regions disadvantaged by a lack of rail infrastructure has been highlighted. In this context, the PAMINA Eurodistrict EGTC held a conference on 11 April in collaboration with the Committee of the Regions.

  • Editorial by Robert Herrmann, President of the MOT, President of the Strasbourg Eurometropolis


    Editorial by Robert Herrmann, President of the MOT, President of the Strasbourg Eurometropolis

    April 2019

    "In the run-up to the European elections, our work has taken on particular significance. The risk of a low turnout is encouraging us even more to continue our work of persuading our fellow citizens that they should make their voices heard regarding the kind of Europe they would like to see. The projects that were presented to us in Geneva and Annemasse, reflecting the progress in Franco-German cooperation, are exemplary. They show the way we are seeking to promote: a Europe made of concrete actions, at the service of its citizens; a Europe of territories."

  • The cross-border dimension on "the French Government's agenda"


    The cross-border dimension on "the French Government's agenda"

    April 2019

    Around Robert Herrmann, the MOT’s President and President of the Strasbourg Eurometropolis, the representatives of the French Government at the MOT’s general assembly emphasised the favourable political context for cross-border cooperation. According to Jacques Champagne de Labriolle, Ambassador for Cooperation and Border Issues at the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, the cross-border dimension is now “at the heart of the French Government’s concerns”.

  • Work of the MOT's bodies and Technicians' Platform


    Work of the MOT's bodies and Technicians' Platform

    April 2019

    The network’s bodies approved the 2018 activity and financial reports, the 2019 work programme and the joining of two new members: the Saint-Avold Synergy Conurbation Community and the French Mountaineering Clubs Federation.

  • The EU is going to change the rules on unemployment insurance for cross-border workers


    The EU is going to change the rules on unemployment insurance for cross-border workers

    April 2019

    On 20 March 2019, the Commission, the Parliament and the Council reached an agreement on the revision of European rules regarding coordination of social security. From 2021 onwards, unemployed cross-border workers will have their benefit paid by the country where they have worked and no longer by the country they live in.

  • The Alsatian departments launch their "OR Strategy - Oberrhein / Rhin Supérieur"


    The Alsatian departments launch their "OR Strategy - Oberrhein / Rhin Supérieur"

    April 2019

    The two departments, which will soon be grouped together as the European territorial authority of Alsace, wish to step up cross-border cooperation with their German and Swiss neighbours straightaway. The "OR Strategy – Oberrhein/Rhin supérieur" that they have just presented formalises these reflections and expert assessments.

  • Annual report on intra-EU labour mobility


    Annual report on intra-EU labour mobility

    April 2019

    The European Commission has published its 2018 report on intra-EU labour mobility. Data concerning cross-border workers are set out on pages 77-80 of the report, which records 1.9 million cross-border workers in 2017 (including EFTA countries as countries of residence and work).

  • A network for European capitals of cross-border culture


    A network for European capitals of cross-border culture

    April 2019

    On 7 March 2019 in Esch-sur-Alzette, a city selected to be European Capital of Culture in 2022, an event was held to launch the Jean Monnet "CECCUT" project (European Capitals of Culture and Cross-Border Urban Cohesion).

  • Mobility Portal in the PAMINA area


    Mobility Portal in the PAMINA area

    April 2019

    The PAMINA Eurodistrict and the Karlsruhe TechnologieRegion have inaugurated a new web portal dedicated to cross-border mobility. With 300,000 consultations a day, it is one of the main online journey planning services.

  • "Enhancing Healthcare cooperation in cross-border regions"


    "Enhancing Healthcare cooperation in cross-border regions"

    April 2019

    Published following the European conference "Enhancing Healthcare Cooperation in Cross-Border Regions (CBHC)" that took place in December 2018 in Brussels, this 31-page document sets out 12 good practices that illustrate the value added and keys for success for cross-border cooperation in the area of healthcare.

  • The MOT’s network in Greater Geneva


    The MOT’s network in Greater Geneva

    April 2019

    The MOT held its general assembly and annual conference on 20-21 March 2019 in Annemasse and Geneva, bringing together 140 participants, at the invitation of Annemasse Agglo, the Metropolitan Pole of the French Genevois, the Greater Geneva LGCC and the Republic and Canton of Geneva. Around the meetings of the MOT’s bodies, a conference on cross-border investment and field visits were organised.

  • The MOT's activity report


    The MOT's activity report

    April 2019

    The MOT has published its 2018 activity report.

  • Border Studies, a joint study program between four universities of the Greater Region


    Border Studies, a joint study program between four universities of the Greater Region

    April 2018

    The Master in Border Studies is a two-year joint international study program, which addresses the complex economic, political, social and cultural issues of borders and of border regions in Europe and beyond. The Master provides students with the major concepts and analytical tools to understand the various challenges of border regions and cross-border cooperations.

  • The MOT's contribution to the Great Debate


    The MOT's contribution to the Great Debate

    April 2019

    Highly attentive to citizens’ concerns sparked by the four themes of the Great National Debate in the cross-border regions, where national issues sit alongside dynamics that transcend the border, the MOT wished to take part in this unprecedented exchange of views by contributing its concrete proposals.

  • The Franco-German Assembly


    The Franco-German Assembly

    April 2019

    The new Franco-German Assembly, set up in parallel with the Aachen Treaty, held its first session on 25 March in Paris. It will bring together at least twice a year 100 French and German parliamentarians in equal numbers, meeting in turn in France and Germany.

  • Results of ADEUS’s conference on the Strasbourg-Karlsruhe area


    Results of ADEUS’s conference on the Strasbourg-Karlsruhe area

    April 2019

    ADEUS (the Strasbourg Conurbation Development and Urban Planning Agency) and the heads of the two cities on either side of the Rhine held a conference in Strasbourg on 27 February entitled: “What are the issues facing a cross-border metropolitan area Strasbourg- Karlsruhe and their Eurodistricts?”. The presentations are now available.

  • Greater Geneva - a special dossier


    Greater Geneva - a special dossier

    March 2019

    To mark its general assembly in Annemasse and Geneva, the MOT is publishing a special issue of its newsletter focusing on Greater Geneva.

  • Editorial from Christian Dupessey, Mayor of Annemasse, President of Annemasse Agglo, Vice-President of the MOT and Jean Denais, Mayor of Thonon-les-Bains, President of the Metropolitan Pole of the French Genevois
  • Greater Geneva - A special dossier: Interview with Anna-Karina Kolb, Director of the External and Federal Department of the Republic and Canton of Geneva
  • Greater Geneva - A special dossier: Cross-border employment: the point of view of Michel Charrat, President of the European Cross-Border Grouping


    Greater Geneva - A special dossier: Cross-border employment: the point of view of Michel Charrat, President of the European Cross-Border Grouping

    March 2019

    The European Cross-Border Grouping (Groupement Transfrontalier Européen) is a non-profit association that represents 32,500 cross-border workers along the Franco-Swiss border.

  • European Territorial Authority of Alsace – towards a principle of differentiation


    European Territorial Authority of Alsace – towards a principle of differentiation

    March 2019

    The French decree establishing the European Territorial Authority of Alsace through the merger of the Bas-Rhin and Haut-Rhin Departments was published on 28 February. The new authority will come into being on 1 February 2021.

  • Creation of a European Labour Authority


    Creation of a European Labour Authority

    March 2019

    The European Parliament and Member States have reached an agreement on the creation of a new “European Labour Authority” to protect workers’ rights and launch cross-border investigations in the event of possible abuses.

  • Greater Region Summit


    Greater Region Summit

    March 2019

    At the 16th Greater Region Summit on 30 January 2019, the Greater Region Executives argued for "ambitious territorial cooperation and a Europe that listens to its citizens".

  • A new website for the Basel Trinational Eurodistrict


    A new website for the Basel Trinational Eurodistrict

    March 2019

    The Basel Trinational Eurodistrict brings together the three countries of the Basel conurbation with over 900,000 inhabitants. A member of the MOT since 2005, it was the first trinational Eurodistrict to be created in Europe.

  • The IMeG’s position on the ECBM


    The IMeG’s position on the ECBM

    March 2019

    The "Cross-Border Metropolitan Regions" Initiative, which works on developing cross-border cooperation along Germany’s borders, has just published a position paper on the European Commission’s proposal to create a "mechanism to resolve legal and administrative obstacles in a cross-border context".