Work of the MOT's bodies and Technicians' Platform
April 2019
The network’s bodies approved the 2018 activity and financial reports, the 2019 work programme and the joining of two new members: the Saint-Avold Synergy Conurbation Community and the French Mountaineering Clubs Federation.
At the technicians’ platform, several topics of interest were raised by members: healthcare, cross-border metropolitan cooperation, the “town centre action” challenge for medium-sized towns, and the issues of mobility and land and housing. These themes could guide the MOT’s work programme as of 2019.
More info [FR]
The MOT activity report [FR]
Two press articles published at the time of the general assembly:
- "La coopération transfrontalière à la croisée de l'Europe" [FR] (interview with Jean Peyrony), Localtis - Banque des Territoires, 19/03.
- "Le transfrontalier, c'est innover sur la base du vécu quotidien" [FR] (interview with Robert Herrmann and Christian Dupessey), Dauphiné libéré, 21/03.