MOT's 20th general assembly

At the invitation of the Alzette-Belval EGTC, a member of the MOT's network, more than 100 people gathered on 15-16 March on the occasion of the MOT's general assembly, in Belval and Villerupt, on the Franco-Luxembourg border.

The Secretary of State, Christian Eckert, who is in charge of the budget and public accounts in France, underscored the "usefulness of the MOT's work, both in terms of the cross-border projects carried out and in giving back collective confidence to our fellow citizens": "concrete achievements are a matter of credibility for public action; they must counter the anti-European discourse." More info

15 March 2017: MOT bodies in Belval (Luxembourg)
16 March 2017: field visits of Belval (Luxembourg) and Micheville (France), Technicians' Platform

In English:
The newsletter dedicated to the event

In French :
Press release
List of participants
Photos (see below)

Presentations of the field visits (in French):
- Visite côté luxembourgeois - Le site de Belval
Explication de la dynamique et visite guidée du site de Belval par AGORA
- Visite côté français - Le site de Micheville
Explication de la dynamique et visite guidée du site par l'EPA Alzette Belval
Et le transfrontalier dans tout ça ? Le GECT Alzette Belval

Présentation de l'approche transfrontalière par le GECT Alzette Belval