
New issue of the MOT Guides on the observation of cross-border territories

April 2014

New issue of the MOT Guides on the observation of cross-border territories

The MOT has published the 9th issue of its thematic guides on the "Observation of cross-border territories”.

As André Rossinot* points out in his editorial: "European policies are still in many ways out of phase with the cross-border experience and contribute to a feeling of distance or even lack of understanding between the European Union and its citizens. It is urgent to change approach by encouraging the development of shared cross-border observation in order to obtain better knowledge and understanding of today’s territorial realities."

Indeed, "Europe is a daily reality for many citizens who, with a great sense of freedom, put it into practice in the cross-border territories. At a time when populism in various forms and the temptation to reject Europe are on the rise, it is up to us collectively to mobilise ourselves, to defend our ideal while reinventing it."

The 20-page brochure that has just been published by the MOT highlights the issues facing and expectations of partners with regard to this crucial topic of the observation of cross-border territories. Three levels of issues are highlighted:

  • First of all, at local level the purpose of cooperation is to develop services for the benefit of the cross-border populations; observation is a prerequisite, as for any type of territory, for political action in order to provide a common understanding of the issues.
  • The observation of cross-border regions is a major aspect of spatial planning at national level and its development requires coordinated work at this level, with the involvement of the partners and governments in the countries across the border.
  • Finally, the cross-border territories, laboratories of European integration, are at the heart of European community policies: the EU 2020 strategy, the single market, territorial cohesion. The European Union must consequently pay greater attention to them!

The brochure highlights these aspects; it also addresses the following issues:

  • What is cross-border statistical observation?
  • Development of observation procedures on French borders
  • In France, an experimental approach at national level
  • The political aspects of observation, with the points of view of the DATAR (France) and Luxembourg.
  • Four experiences on the ground concerning the Lille metropolitan area, the France-Vaud-Geneva space, the Upper Rhine and the Öresund region.

To download the brochure: in Englishin French

* Mayor of Nancy, President of the Communauté urbaine du Grand Nancy, Vice-president of the MOT.

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