University cooperation transcends borders
June 2022
Focus on two border initiatives at the heart of the European project.
A "University Cooperation Strategy" for the Nouvelle Aquitaine-Euskadi-Navarra Euroregion
Published following the first forum for universities of the Euroregion that took place in March 2022, this strategy, which was co-designed with players in the sector, highlights “the potentialities and needs of Euroregional university cooperation”. “This cooperation will make it possible to promote education and research without borders in the Euroregional academic sphere and to facilitate the mobility of students, teaching staff and researchers. The Nouvelle Aquitaine Euskadi Navarra Euroregion EGTC is taking on a key role in this strategy, as a promoter, catalyst and facilitator of Euroregional university cooperation.”
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Four "cross-border professorships" for the Upper Rhine
During the visits of the Minister-President of Baden-Württemberg, Winfried Kretschmann, to Strasbourg and Kehl in March and April 2022, four cross-border professorships that are being created at Eucor – The European Campus were presented. Set up in 1989, Eucor is a grouping of five universities located in the Upper Rhine region: Basel, Freiburg, Haute-Alsace, Strasbourg and the Karlsruher Institut für Technologie. With over 117,000 students, it offers ten or so joint courses that lead to double or triple degrees, while all students are able to attend the courses of their choice in the five institutions without having to duplicate administrative procedures or pay additional fees. “With the creation of four cross-border professorships, Eucor – The European Campus is succeeding with a pioneering project at European level,” declared Minister-President Winfried Kretschmann during his visit to Strasbourg.
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MOT and TEIN workshops at the next "European Week of Regions and Cities"
- The MOT is running a workshop entitled “Building cross-border university alliances as drivers for border regions” at the next European Week of Regions and Cities organised by the European Committee of the Regions and DG REGIO, which will take place on 10-13 October 2022. Among the speakers are representatives from the University of the Greater Region, the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Euskadi Navarra Euroregion and the Pro Europa Viadrina Euroregion (DE-PL).
- Another workshop "Digital training for cooperation: new ways of capacity building" is being run by the TEIN network. It will notably be an opportunity to present the MOOC on European territorial cooperation produced by the MOT and its partners (Strasbourg University, Artois University, Thessaloniki University, CESCI, Euro-Institut, TEIN network). The second session of this MOOC (October to November 2022), will be launched on this occasion. Dates for your diary: 5 October for the start of the online course. Registration is now open for this second session: click here.
Photo : EUCOR Universite Freiburg. Copyright : Sandra Meyndt
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