
MOT study "360° Vision of the Jura Mountains: towards a cross-border diagnosis"

June 2023

MOT study "360° Vision of the Jura Mountains: towards a cross-border diagnosis"

In 2023, the Jura Mountains Development Commission (Commissariat à l'aménagement du Massif du Jura), which is responsible for defining the objectives and actions needed for the development, planning and protection of the mountain range, undertook a cross-border study.

This initiative was prompted by a desire to take greater account of the mountains’ proximity to Switzerland, with a view to ensuring consistency between its territorial project (the Schéma Interrégional du Massif du Jura) and its financial implementation (the Contrat de Plan Interrégional Etat-Régions). The scope of the study on the Swiss side is made up of all the cantons that are members of (Jura, Bern, Neuchâtel and Vaud), to which it was agreed to add the canton of Geneva, which borders part of the Ain department.

The Mission Opérationnelle Transfrontalière, several of whose members are located on the Franco-Swiss border (Départements of Territoire de Belfort, Doubs and Ain, Canton of Geneva,, Agglomération urbaine du Doubs, Grand Genève, etc.), is supporting the Jura Mountains Development Commission in this process by complementing the Swiss part of the study.

The study is being carried out in three phases:

  • a first phase of participatory diagnosis (compilation of existing work, online survey and interviews with key players in the area);
  • a second phase of thematic and territorial workshops;
  • a third phase, which will involve drawing up recommendations for the Commission of the Jura Mountains and concrete courses of action.

The aim of this study is to strengthen the many dynamics of exchange and partnership in an unexplored area.



Photo : iStock / kodachrome25



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