
  • Strasbourg, a resolutely cross-border metropolis


    Strasbourg, a resolutely cross-border metropolis

    May 2015

    Bridging the gap between France and Germany, Strasbourg is at the heart of the Upper Rhine and has formed diverse partnerships at various levels of cross-border cooperation consistent with its metropolitan policies.

  • KiosK office: opening of the first cross-border co-working space in Europe


    KiosK office: opening of the first cross-border co-working space in Europe

    March 2015

    Starting in January 2015, business creation consultancy cooperative START HOP welcomes French-German entrepreneurs to its convivial “KiosK office” spaces at locations in Strasbourg and Offenburg, helping them to develop their market with a 360° view.

  • A Moselle strategy in response to Saarland


    A Moselle strategy in response to Saarland

    March 2015

    In response to the “France Strategy” presented in January 2014 by Saarland, aiming to make the border region a multilingual space by 2043, on 12 February in Forbach Patrick Weiten, leader of the Moselle department council, referred to the department’s “Moselle strategy”, with the opening in June of an “open house of services for Germany” (Mosa).

  • Towards new interclustering projects in Aquitaine-Euskadi


    Towards new interclustering projects in Aquitaine-Euskadi

    December 2014

    The cross-border chamber of commerce for the Basque Country, BIHARTEAN, and the Euskadi Institute of Competitiveness, ORKESTRA, have for more than a year been implementing a cross-border interclustering initiative, recognised as a project of Euroregional interest by the Aquitaine-Euskadi EGTC*.

  • Two workshops on cross-border economic development held at the MOT's offices


    Two workshops on cross-border economic development held at the MOT's offices

    November 2014

    As part of its project on cross-border economic development, co-financed by the technical assistance programme Europ’Act, the MOT held two workshops on 27-28 October in Paris in order to prepare the drafting of two handbooks on this topic.

  • The "Espace Pourtalet": from border to symbol of cooperation


    The "Espace Pourtalet": from border to symbol of cooperation

    November 2014

    On 27 October 2014, the two member institutions of the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC), set up in 2011 by the Pyrénées Atlantiques Department and the Government of Aragon, inaugurated the Espace Pourtalet Centre, the first concrete result of the work carried out by the EGTC. Located in a converted former Spanish customs house, this new facility comprises a cross-border snow-clearing centre and a cross-border resource centre.

  • The first French-German cross-border co-working space


    The first French-German cross-border co-working space

    September 2014

    On Wednesday 2 July 2014, the first cross-border co-working space was inaugurated in Offenburg – the “KiosK Office” – with the opening of the German site, which will soon be followed by the opening of the French site in Strasbourg.

  • The importance of economic development for cross-border territories


    The importance of economic development for cross-border territories

    May 2014

    With the launch of a European project financed by the Europ'Act programme at a conference in Paris on 15 April, the MOT wishes to highlight the topic of cross-border economic development. The proceedings of the conference are online.

  • European conference on cross-border economic development - The proceedings are online!


    European conference on cross-border economic development - The proceedings are online!

    April 2014

    MOT has organised a European conference on "The integrated economic development of cross-border territories" on 15th April 2014 in Paris, that brought together more than 150 people. This event was the occasion to launch a European project, led by MOT, on this topic.

  • Cross-border economic development in Ireland


    Cross-border economic development in Ireland

    February 2014

    On 30-31 January 2014 in Cavan (Republic of Ireland), a conference was held entitled “Cross-Border Economic Development and the Border Development Zone (BDZ) Concept”, which was jointly organised by the Centre for Cross-Border Studies (CCBS) and the International Centre for Local and Regional Development (ICLRD).