
Towards greater cooperation around Monte Viso

December 2021

Towards greater cooperation around Monte Viso

Continuing a collaboration going back 30 years, the territories located south of Monte Viso (3,841 metres), the iconic mountain in the Southern Alps, are structuring their cooperation within the framework of an integrated territorial plan supported by the ALCOTRA programme, known as “Terres Monviso”.

This cross-border development plan brings together no fewer than 25 partners, including the three French groupings of municipalities (the Guillestrois and Queyras, Serre‐Ponçon and Ubaye‐Serre‐Ponçon Valley groupings of municipalities), six mountain federations of the Province of Cuneo and six municipalities from the Plain of Saluzzese, representing a total of 155,000 inhabitants and 68 municipalities.

On 7 September 2021, a focus group brought together in Caraglio (Cuneo, IT) all of the partners involved in “Terres Monviso”, with the aim of discussing the recommendations drawn up by the Fondazione Santagata regarding the cultural economy and by the MOT with respect to the legal and financial feasibility of the available governance tools, at the request of the cross-border coordinator of the project.

This work yielded a conclusion pointing towards a flexible structure taking the form of a cross-border association, whose scope will be discussed soon by the partners.

Over the coming months, the Franco-Italian partnership will set out the operational modalities to facilitate progress towards ever-greater cooperation.

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