“Passe-Partout”, a cross-border educational game for schoolchildren
September 2018Launched in 2017 in the Pamina Eurodistrict, the educational game “Passe-partout – Weltenbummler” (“Globetrotter”) has successfully completed an initial pilot phase, and in September 2018 begins a new phase now covering the whole of the Upper Rhine region. A project to replicate!
Intended for French, German and Swiss primary school children, this online game aims to encourage bilingualism and self-identification with the cross-border region, by allowing pupils to discover the Upper Rhine region in a fun way: built around a map of a Eurodistrict in the region, the game sets challenges linked to knowledge of the cross-border region; players are co-creators of the game and earn points when they create a new challenge in the neighbouring country’s language.
The game was created through cooperation between schools as part of the Pamina Eurodistrict’s “neighbouring schools” programme, supported by the Interreg V Upper Rhine programme. As main partner, Réseau Canopé (the learning resources arm of the French Ministry of Education), was responsible for the development of the online game. The project also finances meetings between border-area schools and workshops to train teachers.
Photo: At the end of the pilot phase, the two winning classes, from Brumath (France) and Karlsruhe (Germany), met at the Château de Lichtenberg in June 2018.
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