Cross-border issues at the heart of the Grand Est Region's SRADDET
January 2019
After two years of co-construction, the elected representatives of the Grand Est Region presented the major elements of the Region’s SRADDET at an event in Metz on 30 November 2018.
Two roundtables were held on the plan’s two strategic priorities: the ecological and energy transition on the one hand and territorial and cross-border cohesion on the other. The MOT, which participated through the whole of the drafting process, was represented by its Director-General, Jean Peyrony.
The SRADDET1, which was introduced by the NOTRe2 Act, is a crucial tool in the construction of the new region, alongside the SRDEII3. Together they constitute the two driving forces of the Region. “The SRADDET encompasses sustainable development, biodiversity, transport, waste, and a whole series of areas that are the subject of specific plans that need to be encompassed in a single plan,” explained Franck Leroy, the Vice-President in charge of territorial cohesion in the Grand Est Region, at the event.
The Grand Est Region’s strategy for spatial planning and sustainable development up until 2050 sets out thirty objectives around two key pillars that place cross-border cooperation at the heart of the document:
- Pillar 1: Switching to a virtuous development model for its territories
- Pillar 2: Transcending national borders and strengthening cohesion for a connected European area.
Launched in February 2017, the drawing-up of the SRADDET was the subject of a broad consultation process involving nearly 3,000 stakeholders (territorial authorities, central government, players from the energy, transport and environmental sectors, associations, etc.), 245 written contributions and opinions gathered from 2,900 citizens.
The presentation marked the beginning of a new phase of consultation, with the launch in January of a large-scale public survey. The plan must be adopted by 27 July 2019. More info
Contributions from urban planning agencies
The seven urban planning agencies in the territory provided their expertise, notably with the publication of an 88-page document entitled "Enjeux et défis transfrontaliers" (Cross-border issues and challenges).
1 Schéma Régional d’Aménagement, de Développement Durable et d’Égalité des Territoires (Regional Spatial Planning, Sustainable Development and Territorial Equality Plan).
2 Nouvelle organisation territoriale de la République (New territorial organisation for the French Republic, Act No. 2015-991 of 7 August 2015.
3 Schéma Régional de Développement Économique d’Innovation et d’Internationalisation (Regional Economic Development, Innovation and Internationalisation Plan).