The integrated territorial plan ALPIMED
January 2019Under the Interreg programme ALCOTRA on the Franco-Italian border, two types of plan can be implemented: integrated territorial plans and integrated thematic plans. Integrated territorial plans are made up of a series of projects organised around several themes for a specific cross-border territory.
The ALPIMED integrated territorial plan is a plan for the rural and mountainous area of the “Mediterranean Alps”, with funding of €7,155,000. It is organised around four single-theme projects focused on innovation, tourism, climate change and mobility: "ALPIMED INNOV" promotes access to innovation and the spread of new technologies among businesses and young people; "ALPIMED PATRIM" develops and markets a new cross-border tourist circuit; "ALPIMED CLIMA" raises the local populations’ awareness of climate change and is putting an action plan in place; and "ALPIMED MOBIL" encourages “soft” mobility.
Supported by experienced partners, it is the Nice-Côte d’Azur Metropolis that is coordinating this plan, which involves representatives from the territories (the Alpes Maritimes Department, the Province of Cuneo, the Region of Liguria and the French Riviera Conurbation Community), chambers of commerce and industry (Nice-Côte d’Azur, Cuneo, the Ligurian Riviera) and protected areas (the Alpi Marittime / Mercantour European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation and the Gesso and Stura River Park).
The projects will be implemented over periods of 36-48 months, from the end of 2018 to the end of 2022.
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