
Launching of the EP's pilot project" Cross-Border Crisis Response Integrated Initiative" (CBCRII)

December 2021

Launching of the EP's pilot project" Cross-Border Crisis Response Integrated Initiative" (CBCRII)

Initiated by Anne Sander MEP, the European Parliament's pilot project "Cross-Border Crisis Response Integrated Initiative" (CBCRII) has just been approved. It can now be implemented by DG REGIO.

The pilot project is expected to deliver four results:

  • a report on the consequences of the COVID-19 crisis in border regions*
  • the development of an IT infrastructure to host and update information on cross-border public services in cross-border regions**
  • the development of an action plan to systematise solidarity and crisis management in EU cross-border regions
  • a boost in the potential of border regions through co-development, cross-border spatial planning and multi-level governance.

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Photo : Union européenne

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