Germany and France at the Forefront of Cross-border Observation in Europe
February 2020
On 5 and 6 December 2019 in Bonn (Germany), the German Federal Institute for Research on Building Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR) brought together the signatories of the "Memorandum for the creation of a European network for cross-border observation", representatives from Germany’s different borders (Statistics offices, local and regional authorities, ministries in charge of territorial cohesion, national bodies), as well as DG REGIO, the ESPON programme, and the MOT.
During this meeting, the BBSR presented the second pilot project of the “MORO” spatial planning research initiative on cross-border statistical observation at Germany’s borders, of which one of the goals is to establish a catalogue of cross-border indicators that can serve as a basis for work on all European borders.
This represents the birth of a European network for cross-border observation, in line with the dynamic created by the Aachen Treaty.
With the goal of implementing better public policy for border regions, this network’s mission will be to survey their needs and to make progress on issues around data, at European and multinational levels (harmonisation, networking of players), and at the local level, on specific topics linked to the different characteristics of the territories.
The MOT will co-organise, with the BBSR, Luxembourg’s Ministry for Energy and Spatial Planning and the Netherlands’ Statistical Institute, a participatory workshop to highlight the initiatives being undertaken across Europe on cross-border observation, during the European Week of Regions and Cities (EWRC) in October 2020 in Brussels.
More info:
- Brochure "France-Germany: Cross-border Observation at the Heart of Europe".
- Programme and presentations from the meeting) :
- Programme
- Presentation of the current MORO project, Goals and objectives of the meeting (Claire Duvernet, BBSR)
- Poland: Stat Poland (Dominika Rogalińska, Marek Cierpiał-Wolan)
- RBGP : Model of cross-border monitoring - innovative ways of obtaining data in the Metropolitan Region of Szczecin (Julita Miłosz-Augustowska, Justyna Strzyżewska)
- Austria: ÖIR (Roland Gaugitsch)
- Switzerland: ARE (Marco Kellenberger)
- France: MOT (Jean Peyrony)
- Luxemburg: Ministry of Energy and Spatial Planning (Thierry Hengen)
- Germany: Labour market in border regions D-NL (Wolfgang Seifert)
- ESPON (Nicolas Rossignol)
- Indikator cataloguefortransborder territorial monitoring (Dr.-Ing. Björn Schwarze, Dr.-Ing. Klaus Spiekermann)
Map : Cities and commuting zones
Source: Eurostat, JRC, European Commission, DG REGIO.