The MOT network's contribution on the 2021-2027 programming period
December 2018On 29 May 2018, the European Commission published five proposals concerning the future 2021-2027 cohesion policy, of which two directly concern cross-border matters: the European Territorial Cooperation (Interreg) Regulation and a new Regulation creating a “mechanism to resolve legal and administrative obstacles in a cross-border context” (ECBM).
The MOT, in conjunction with its network members, is adopting a position on these proposals, with the publishing of its contribution to the debate on cross-border cooperation issues. This contribution completes the position presented in the brochure “Cross-border territories: Europe's laboratory” published in November 2017, on the occasion of the MOT’s 20th anniversary.
The MOT fully supports the more territorial and citizen-oriented approach of the new regulations as well as the impetus provided for resolving obstacles to cooperation, in particular:
- the new ECBM regulation, a veritable revolution in the field of cross-border cooperation, as well as the establishing of national contact points,
- the introduction of the new specific objective of "better Interreg governance", which will mandatorily take up 15% of the funding of each programme,
- the inclusion for the first time of funds for small projects, made available to civil society, in order to develop small-scale projects.
However, the MOT opposes:
- the integration of cross-border cooperation on maritime borders - previously an integral part of the cross-border strand of Interreg – within the larger “transnational and maritime cooperation” strand, and therefore argues for cross-border maritime cooperation being maintained within Strand A, and thus for its specificity to be recognised,
- the calculation method for allocating funding as a function of the population situated within 25 km of the border, and stresses the importance of mountainous, rural and coastal border areas, often characterised by sparse population density and a need for innovative solutions.
Download the contribution [FR]
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