
Borders and mobility in day-to-day life: ways of life in the Basel trinational conurbation

September 2019

Borders and mobility in day-to-day life: ways of life in the Basel trinational conurbation

Yann Dubois, Editions Alphil-Presses universitaires suisses, Collection "Espaces, mobilités et sociétés" No. 9, 613 pp, 2019 - in French.

Original title: "Frontières et mobilité au quotidien : Modes de vie dans l'agglomeration trinationale de Bâle"

This publication looks at ways of life in the Basel trinational conurbation, on the border between France, Switzerland and Germany. The author focuses his study on day-to-day practices in the area of cooperation: social and emotional ties, consumption practices, identity, linguistic relations, cross-border work, etc.

To download the publication: click here [FR].

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