Two calls for projects: "Urban Innovative Actions" and URBACT "good practices"
January 2017"Urban Innovative Actions" (UIA) is an initiative by the European Commission aimed at enabling urban authorities to try out innovative initiatives to address the urban challenges – potentially including cross-border ones – that they face. The Hauts-de-France Region is the managing authority for this programme. A call for projects, with a budget of €50 million, is currently open until mid-April.
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URBACT has also launched a call for projects aimed at identifying and promoting good practices in cities – including cross-border ones. This call for projects will close on 31 March 2017. In a second phase, the good practices selected will be transferred at European level within the framework of the URBACT Transfer Networks."Urban Innovative Actions" (UIA) est une initiative de la Commission européenne pour permettre aux autorités urbaines de tester des initiatives innovantes pour répondre aux défis urbains - potentiellement transfrontaliers - qu'elles rencontrent. La Région Hauts-de-France est l'autorité de gestion de ce programme. Actuellement un appel à projets, doté d'un budget de 50 millions d'euros, est en cours jusqu'à mi avril.
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