Concrete projects for the Upper Rhine!
January 2023
125 cross-border projects were officially approved at the plenary session of the Collectivité Européenne d'Alsace (CEA) held on December 8th. The topic of energy took center stage!
Out of 1,200 pre-existing cross-border projects identified by the Collectivité Européenne d'Alsace in the Upper Rhine, 125 were selected, including 50 relating to energy, climate, and transport.
During the meeting, the President of the CEA, Frédéric Bierry, also announced his wish to "build a common energy autonomy" to develop renewable energies. In this respect, he suggested holding a deep geothermal energy congress in the Upper Rhine.
The selected projects have already been allocated a budget and a project leader. They can start as early as the beginning of 2023!
Here are some examples of the selected projects:
- The construction of a network to recover waste heat from the Kehl steelworks will aim to deliver the first calories to Strasbourg's urban heating system in the winter of 2025-2026.
- An Air Climate Energy Observatory for the atmosphere in the Upper Rhine, supported by Atmo Grand Est, will aim to harmonise cross-border data in a common format.
- The "5A3F" project concerns improvements to motorway-urban access on the three borders.
- The implementation of a strategic roadmap on cross-border apprenticeships.
- Also noteworthy is the Fessenheim territory project, which concerns the economic conversion of the site, access and mobility, the energy transition and innovation.
Image: Aerial view of a steam and coal-fired power station in Karlsruhe in the Rhine port near the French-German border. Copyright: Shutterstock / K I Photography
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