Last MOT meeting of 2022 in Strasbourg
January 2023
On December 15th, 2022, the MOT held its last Grand Est office of the year in Strasbourg.
Bringing together the Grand Est region, the Collectivité européenne d'Alsace and the Eurométropole de Strasbourg, this partnership meeting provided an opportunity to discuss the results of the Franco-German MORO experiment, the final conference of which had taken place the day before, as well as debrief on the Franco-German cross-border observation working group, which had taken place that very morning, and also draw up an assessment of this first year of the MOT's presence in the Grand Est. The partners were particularly satisfied with the results and confirmed their interest in continuing the initiative, while bringing up the possibility of rediscussing the frequency of the MOT's presence (bimonthly or quarterly in 2023).
This meeting was also an opportunity to welcome Dominique Lorrette, who will be taking up a new position within the Grand Est Region starting on the 1st of January, 2023.