Upcoming events

AEBR’s 50th Anniversary’s event

18 june 2021, online

Organized by AEBR, on 18 june 2021, from 9h00, online

AEBR organizes a 50th Anniversary series of events at the Anholt Castle (Westphalia, Germany). The event will start at  9:00 (CEST) with a round table of AEBR founding members to review the fifty years of the Association since its foundation: EUREGIO (DE/NL), Euregio Rhine Waal (DE/NL), Ems Dollart Regio (DE/NL), Regionalverband Hochrhein-Bodensee, Regio Basiliensis (CH) and Région Grand-Est (FR) have been invited to contribute, as well as representatives from other founding regions.

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