TEIN - Transfrontier Euro-Institut Network

The Transfrontier Euro-Institut Network (TEIN), formed in 2010,  brings together 12 partners from nine border regions in France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Slovenia, Poland, Czech Republic, Denmark, Belgium, Spain, the French Caribbean, the UK and Ireland. Its unique feature is that is consists of university departments, research institutes and training centres which are dedicated to the practical business of cross-border cooperation in Europe.
The people involved in TEIN are real actors in that cross-border cooperation. Their work involves cross-border training and facilitation, managing cross-border projects, providing mentoring, training and advice for cross-border actors, and doing research into cross-border cooperation. In this sense TEIN can be seen as representing a genuinely bottom up approach.
MOT and AEBR are associate members of the TEIN network.

In 2012, the three partners presented their initiative at the European symposium “The future of European Territorial Cooperation: Capacity Building in Cross-Border Territories”. This symposium highlighted the new challenges and achievements of capacity-building and stakeholder training in cross-border territories, as part of the new EU cohesion policy.
The TEIN Charter was signed on this occasion.
More info on this event.