Channel Arc

Countries: United Kingdom , France
Regions concerned: UK – Counties of Kent, West Sussex, Hampshire, Devon, Unitary Authorities of Brighton & Hove, Southampton; France – Regions of Nord-Pas-de-Calais, Picardie (Picardy), Haute-Normandie (Upper Normandy), Basse-Normandie (Lower Normandy), Bretagne (Brittany)

Channel Arc


The Channel Arc or Arc Manche is a geographical area comprising the French and British territories on either side of the Channel. This cooperation platform aims to bring together these border territories, of a combined surface area of 112,519 km2, in order to represent the interests of these regions and promote Franco-British cooperation.

Since 2003, the Channel Arc has also become a political project based on an informal and voluntary network of local authorities that exchange good practice, coordinate initiatives and develop ideas for projects that can benefit from European funding.

With a desire for a renewed and reinforced visibility, the network created the Channel Arc Manche Assembly in October 2005.