First meetings of the network’s working groups
June 2020The MOT network’s working groups met for the first time in the form of webinars on 12 June (the “Territorial Solidarity” group), 17 June (the “Cross-Border Governance” group) and 24 June (the “Metropolitan Cooperation” group). Their purpose is to share experiences along borders, to generate proposals for action, and to contribute to political reflections for the BORDERS FORUM to be held on 9-10 November.
These first three sessions each brought together around 40 participants, and were co-facilitated with members of the network.
The webinar format provided an opportunity to enlarge the circle of discussion, with participants from the academic community, the political sphere, the voluntary sector and experts in border issues from cross-border areas.
The next meetings of these groups will take place on 8 September, at the time of the MOT’s general assembly.
More info [FR]
Recordings of the three sessions available online.