
The Minister Jacqueline Gourault sets out her vision for "the territories"

November 2018

The Minister Jacqueline Gourault sets out her vision for "the territories"

At the Council of Ministers on 7 November 2018, the Minister for Territorial Cohesion presented a communication on France’s territories that sets out the Government’s objectives with respect to them. This document points out that in order to “identify each territory’s potential” it will be necessary to “build a ‘bespoke’ relationship with the players in that territory”.

It is to this end that the Government will call on the National Agency for Territorial Cohesion that is being set up and that will incorporate part of the General Commission for Territorial Equality.

The aim will be to “reinvent the method of dialogue” with territorial authorities and to put in place “a single point of entry” in the relationship between them and central government.

Other initiatives that are mentioned are “the concrete experiment with ‘territorial differentiation’ with the example of Alsace”, and the launch in 2019 of phase IV of the competitiveness clusters in order to build clusters with a European dimension.

More info in:
The communication [FR]
The Minister’s press release [FR]

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