
European days of cross-border cooperation in Nice

October 2016

European days of cross-border cooperation in Nice

Organised by the Nice Côte d’Azur Metropolis,* the European days of cross-border cooperation held in Nice on 21-22 September were a great success, with nearly 400 participants.

Players from the Italian-French-Monaco territory shared experiences in workshops and roundtables with the aim of highlighting the cross-border reality of this region that is both Alpine and Mediterranean, and of promoting the tools and European funding available to develop integration projects in areas such as innovation, healthcare, tourism, natural risks, etc. Jean Peyrony, the MOT's General Director, moderated a roundtable at the event.

The following day, a training day focused on a comparison of territorial reforms in France and Italy.

The event was organised in partnership with the MOT, the Centre National De La Fonction Publique Territoriale (CNFPT) and Nice Sophia Antipolis University.

More info [FR]

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