
World Urban Forum: a booklet on cross-border cooperation

July 2022

World Urban Forum: a booklet on cross-border cooperation

Within the framework of the 11th World Urban Forum, which took place in Katowice on 26-30 June, the PFVT (the French platform for urban development internationally) has published 14 booklets produced by all of the stakeholders involved in the French partnership during an intensive period of work in 2021.

The MOT and the ESPON programme are pleased to inform you of the publication of the booklet "Territorial and cross-border cooperation" (in French).

It sets out a forward-looking vision of cross-border cooperation up to 2050, and above all a pathway to achieve it, comprising a series of concrete proposals to be implemented. Among them are:
- key resources (energy, the environment, health and food) to be managed at a supranational level, and in particular that of cross-border living areas to be recognised by 2040;
- and the establishment of a “cross-border deal” over the course of the 2030s to set out goals with respect to cross-border civil society, and education “for all ages” on the cross-border dimension and Europe.

To view the booklet, click here.
It is the product of a collective effort within the framework of a working group bringing together French, European and international partners.




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