
Cross-border employment dynamics in Europe and France

December 2017

Cross-border employment dynamics in Europe and France

The territorial observatory provides, in the form of factsheets, a set of analyses and an overview of the state of France's territories.

This factsheet seeks to analyse employment dynamics in cross-border territories, in France and the Europe as a whole.

Its main findings are: an increase in the number of European residents who cross a border at least once a week to go to work; the flows of workers, linked to socioeconomic disparities on either side of a border as well as to the development of infrastructures, and the profiles of workers vary from border to border. Finally, the analytical factsheet provides an overview of the five main destinations for French cross-border workers: Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, Monaco and Switzerland.

More info [FR]

This publication is available in the MOT's document portal [FR].
Specialising in cross-border cooperation, the portal provides more than 4,000 document references. More info [FR]

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