ESPON Call for Proposals for "Targeted Analyses"
December 2022ESPON launched the first cut-off date for the submission of proposals for Targeted Analyses for the ESPON Programme 2030. The deadline for responses is 24 February 2023, but it will be extended.
Since 2007, ESPON Targeted Analyses has been supporting territorial development processes at local, regional and national levels in Europe by bringing together policy makers who share the same kinds of challenges and who are looking for new territorial evidence and a European perspective. Applying sound methodologies and providing scientific expertise, ESPON Targeted Analyses deliver demand-driven and tailor-made analytical studies in support of territorial decision-making.
Whether you are a national, regional or local authority, represent a major city or local rural community, a Managing Authority or a territorial cooperation body, ESPON can select and fully finance the experts to carry out the analytical work to provide territorial evidence tailored to your needs.
One of the themes, "governance of new geographies", directly concerns cross-border issues.
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