
Seventh meeting of the parliamentary working group on cross-border cooperation

December 2017

Seventh meeting of the parliamentary working group on cross-border cooperation

On 29 November, Anne Sander MEP, hosted around a breakfast the seventh meeting of her parliamentary working group on cross-border cooperation.

The topic chosen was that of barriers to cross-border investment.

To discuss this subject, Anne Sander had invited the European Commission, the European Investment Bank, the Caisse des Dépôts (Grand Est Region) and the Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur Region.

In border regions, European programmes are often insufficiently effective, as a result of national biases or cumbersome administrative processes.

One of the conclusions of the discussion was that the financial resources are available, but there is a shortage of projects.

Where initiatives are developed by local players, there is a lack of real political will on either side. One of the solutions envisaged by the participants is to set up pilot projects to serve as examples and catalysts.

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